

主演:梁家辉  蒋雯丽  朱旭  霍利斯·休斯敦  塔玛拉·特恩特  斯蒂芬妮·沃格特  乔·尔克  卡特·道森  安东尼·穆林  马歇尔·菲尔  苏珊·弗莱  迈克·凯彻  乔·梅  桑尼·吴  戴夫·舒兹  



刮痧 剧照 NO.1刮痧 剧照 NO.2刮痧 剧照 NO.3刮痧 剧照 NO.4刮痧 剧照 NO.5刮痧 剧照 NO.6刮痧 剧照 NO.13刮痧 剧照 NO.14刮痧 剧照 NO.15刮痧 剧照 NO.16刮痧 剧照 NO.17刮痧 剧照 NO.18刮痧 剧照 NO.19刮痧 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-15 17:46


  电脑游戏设计师许大同(梁家辉 饰)与妻子简宁(蒋雯丽 饰)在美国奋斗了8年,事业有成。一次意外却令美好的家庭变得愁云惨雾:5岁的儿子生病了,老父亲(朱旭 饰)用传统的中国民间刮痧帮孙子治病。大同夫妻继而被控告虐待儿童,一个又一个物证人证令夫妻俩百口莫辩,西医根本无法了解这种传统中国疗法。因为这件事,父子与夫妻都不得已的分开了。大同伤心欲绝,面对儿子与妻子,他能做什么为自己伸冤呢?事情又能否得到圆满的解决呢?


 1 ) 什么事情都可能发生

  I love you I love my wife I love my son
  初看名字,以为是伦理片,刮痧,中国一门医学上传统的手艺,在两千多年的历史长河里,一直稳稳健健地在中国大地上繁衍生息,然而有一天,它出现在自由民主的美国社会中,便被人误解,以至于上演了一场家庭的悲欢离合,可喜的是梁家辉将父亲角色演绎的动人心弦,蒋雯丽也以一贯的荧幕形象几乎是本色出演,很准确的把握了作为妻子的恨、爱、心碎与心疼,只是在母亲的角色上稍稍淡化了些。当不得不以分居为条件来换回孩子时,妻子毅然“恶狠狠”地转身“I agree!”当事情逼迫地不得不真的要丈夫离开时,妻子心疼地抱着丈夫不忍心丈夫一个人生活。从丈夫在法庭上被敌人激怒地掉进了别人的圈套开始,妻子的气愤到后来的疯狂最后的心灰,像是个妻子对丈夫地无奈~因为她知道,丈夫的任何表现都会让孩子离自己越来越远。

 2 ) Analysis on Guasha Treatment from Intercultural Communication

   When a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture, intercultural communication occurs, which is a kind of communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinctive enough to alter the communication event. People are alike and different. We carry our culture with us wherever we go, and it influences how we respond to the people we meet.
   The leading man in the movie Gua Sha Treatment has been in America for eight years as a new immigrant. At the beginning of this movie, the man, Datong addressed a speech in American way to show his love to America and American dream. It seemed that he has gained great success in the American mainstream society. Yet it was just an exaggeration of his success when used to make the comparison with the ensuing events.
   Datong and his wife were born and raised in China, while their son was a Chinese American. They taught their son in American way and spoke English all the time. In the celebration, we can find Datong was praised and encouraged by his boss, who can be taken as a representative of the mainstream business. At the party, because of the quarrel between the two children, the son, Dennis was beaten by his father, which is just a very common action in Chinese culture. The grandfather of Dennis also admitted the way of education. Because the other boy is the son of his boss, Datong gave his son a lesson to show his respect to the boss, who can not understand it at all. The boss was shocked and accepted it temporarily. In American culture, individualism is the key point of American cultural pattern, even between the father and the son. But in Chinese cultural pattern, fathers have the right or responsibility to educate the sons, no matter in a legal way or his personal way. We tend to take it as family privacy, instead of family violence or child abuse. In traditional Chinese culture, family conflict is often solved between family members and it’s a shame to spread family conflict outside of the house, while in America, the law and regulations make the difference.
   There was a very plain role in this movie, Lao Huo, the man who acted terra-cotta warrior, which was a loser in pursuing American dream compared with Datong. There were only the daily life and death of Lao Huo in this movie, which reflected the pursuit and struggling of an ordinary person in America. The death of him made the father of Datong think a lot, which was a clue to tell us the old man will return to China finally. According to the two different results of pursuing American dream, two different result of cultural conflict revealed.
   After the Gua Sha treatment rendered by the grandfather, Datong and his wife accepted it because of their Chinese culture background and the previous experience. It’s natural for the couple to keep the accident of child abuse secret to their father. And Datong confessed it was he who gave the treatment to the child, although his wife showed a little reluctance and hesitance. Actually his father gave the Gua Sha treatment to the son. There was an obvious culture difference in the episode. Chinese people behave on the basis of experience, while American act with the reference to the specific evidence. It’s praiseworthy for Datong to be a scapegoat for his father. In Chinese traditional culture, the law is important but sometimes affection counts. It’s dutiful and responsible to reduce the pains of parents both in China and America. If Datong admitted his father gave the treatment to the child and his to father will be accused by the court. Although it’s lawful, it’s unfilial in Chinese culture, which is an unforgivable fault.
Chinese view on interpersonal relationship network has been illustrated richly in this movie. When Datong needed a lawyer to help him, he sought help of his friend, who is actually not a lawyer of family law, but copyright law. Because of the lack of legal knowledge and the good relationship between them, Datong insisted on his help. Before the hearing commenced, Datong’s wife asked why the court was not the same as she saw before on TV. The tiny episode accounted for the difference between the judicial systems. Because Datong was in trouble, he turned to his friend for help, regardless of his professional field. Chinese weak legal consciousness was also criticized and satirized in this movie and Datong’s family became victims of culture shock.
   Although Gua Sha treatment is common and effective in China, we never tried to understand how it worked. We learned our culture from folk tales, mass media, and education. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation, so we never question the therapy. Everyone is a product of his own culture, it’s undoubted for American to have nothing idea about the treatment. But we can also find strong prejudice and ethnocentrism of America in the response to the case.
   The trial of this child abuse case could be regarded as the climax of this film. Datong’s family fights against the charge, which is an intense conflict between the Chinese and American cultures. Traditional medical treatment cannot be proved and admitted. They have no interest in proving why Gua Sha treatment is advisable but tried to prove how much the couple loves their son. The judgment and condemnation are just based on the scratch, the judge never showed a fair and sensible attitude to the medical treatment. Chinese classical book Journey to the West is considered from the negative perspective, even though the accuser knew it was wrong. The malicious and deliberated objection described American competition and materialism. The aim of the dispute is just for the victory in the court, regardless of the wicked ways. The prejudice and discrimination are two apparent obstacles in the intercultural communication. Moreover, the ethnocentrism of America was also perceivable. The judge and the accuser never showed justice to Datong’s rebuttal. Because of the ignorance of the treatment, they were very indifferent and pride to Datong’s statement. This uncooperative attitude made this event worse. It seems all of them are well-educated and civilized, but the communication problems repeatedly arose. Both of the parties held respective strong cultural background and different values, which have implemented enormous impact.
   Additionally, the stereotyping to Chinese or easterners are mentionable. When Datong said he hit his son to save his boss’ face, to make him feel better. The boss felt it was twisted and absurd. When Datong said it was a common sense to save his wife rather than the child, the female accuser said, your Orientals are barbarian. Stereotypes were a means of organizing our images into fixed and simple categories that we use to stand for the entire collection of people. In most distances, stereotypes are the products of limited, lazy, and misguided perceptions. In the movie, some Americans never delete their confirmation bias and tend to put Chinese to shame. Then, the failure in intercultural communication occurs.
   According to Hall’s high-context and low-context communication, the Asian mode of communication is often indirect and implicit, whereas western communication tends to be direct and explicit-that is, everything needs to be stated. Westerners are more prone to making very explicit statements and have little capability with nonverbal forms of expression. High-context cultures tend to be more aware of their surroundings and their environment and do not rely on verbal communication as their main information channel. According to the analysis of the movie, we can find the difference between high-context and low-context communication. At the beginning, Datong’s wife disliked the grandfather’s smoking, but she said nothing directly and opened the window. Certainly the grandfather understood it easily. On the contrary, Americans often get permission first. And if they want to show the objection, they spoke it out. But it’s not impolite and respectful to ask the elder not to do something. When Chinese show their anger, it is also implicit. Datong was very angry to his boss, because he has thought his boss would help him on this issue. Datong hoped his boss to support him, but the fact that the boss told everything straightforward, which was unfavorable to Datong. In Datong’s view, they were friends and it’s responsible for the boss to help him and he took the frankness of his boss as a kind of betrayal. He was unwilling to work there any more and planned to quit that job after no discussion with his boss. It’s normal to a Chinese man to show his anger and express their spilt relationship. From the perspective of the American, it has nothing to do with their friendship. It’s reasonable and lawful to tell the judge all the truth. They don’t show personal emotions in the business and persuaded Datong to work, which is a way to show his kindness and concern.
The ending of this movie is happy and warm. The boss understood Gua Sha treatment and Datong’s family gained reunion on the important western festival. No matter in East or West, family reunion and family love are enjoyable and happy. In the end, the grandfather educated and taught his son again. It was warm and moving because we can feel the father’s love; no matter he expressed his love explicitly or implicitly. The grandfather left America because he found it was troublesome and upset for a person like him to live in the Western culture. It was a failure for an elderly like him in intercultural communication, and it was a success for the young generation in America.
   The last episode in the movie was the boy’s learning mandarin, which was a strong contrast to the beginning of the movie, where the boy was educated to speak English to prepare for the competition of the future. No culture is more advanced than others and cultural diversity should be advocated and protected. Human brain is an open system and supposed to appreciate the diversity.
Finally, the name of the leading man in this movie, “Datong”, is also a Chinese Confucian classical term, which means great harmony. Obviously, the name was created with the implied meaning. “Datong” society is the perfect and ideal society in Confucianism, which conveyed the hope and wish of the movie producers. Although there are so many different countries, cultures, systems, races, etc, it’s a pursuit to build such kind of harmonious society without discrimination, prejudice, conflict, war…

 3 ) 东西方文化冲突的深思

  每个人,每个民族,每个国家都有属于自己的文化,文化与文化间的迥然差异必 然会带来个人行为思想的不同,世界是个多元化的世界,当东西方文化相遇时,对于某个文化现象,我们能做出是非判断吗?文化与文化之间本身就存在的冲突,马克思是用他的哲学辩证法向我们展示了矛盾存在的普遍性吗?为何总是要有绝对的是非曲直的判断标准呢?









 4 ) Difference or Discrimination

  I have heard of this movie for many times since I seen it last week. Till now, I am still confused by the concept that “difference and discrimination “, which are conveyed by this movie. There are so many cultural gaps shown in this movie. Ways of child education, value of friendship and concept of familial affection, all of these Chinese traditions torture Da Tong, the leading role of this film, and his family during their assimilation into American culture. All the disasters are triggered by a Chinese traditional medical treatment-Gua Sha. Because of a awful scar on Dennis’(Da Tong’s son) back left by Gua Sha, the child protecting organization accuses Da Tong with child abuse and Da Tong is deprived of the custody right, then the whole family go divided.
  Most people regard Da Tong’s family tragedy as misunderstand resulted from cultural difference. However, I have another peep on it. I have to say I was shocked by the scar at the first sight since I haven’t known about Gua Sha either, but as soon as I know that it’s really a tradition treatment, I rest assure my worry. I can sympathize the American’s shock caused by the horrific scar and accept their legal action at the very beginning, which is the only thing can be regard as cultural difference in my point of view. Nevertheless what they do after their initial action is motivated by racial discrimination rather than cultural difference, which I have to point out. I have several reasons for this.
  Firstly, after the first hearing, they can know that how much Da Tong care about his son and get a brief idea about Gua Sha. I am even quite outraged about the American civil servants’ scrimshank when they bring an accusation against Da Tong to deprive his custody right. The most important point Da Tong pose on the hearing is Gua Sha treatment, but they seem to “forget” it that maybe the main cause of that scar since I haven’t seen they do any research on GuaSha in their following investigation.

  Secondly, When it comes to finding witness, the witnesses they find are Da Tong’s boss and janitor and even the midwife. How ridiculous is that! I mean the witnesses they find have seldom or even never talked to Dennis. How do they know or they sure about the relation between Da Tong and his son Dennis? If I am the investigator, I would find Dennis’ teachers as witness cause the time they spend with this child is only less than his parents.
  Last but not the least, they totally “forget” the “victim” of this case. Although I don’t familiar with US law, I suppose Dennis’ opinion in this case should be taken into account which maybe a most valuable one since he is the very person who knows what happens to himself most. In private or public, they should inquire the child himself about the situation goes on him. Regretfully, I haven’t ever seen them do so .
  To conclude, this series of matter was mostly caused by racial discrimination rather than cultural difference, I finally confirm.

  PS: This article was written in one year ago for my "English Culture Class". Hope to find someone to share a view on it.

 5 ) “吾儿勿念”。

简宁说“Because he's Chinese.”。然后镜头切到许大同扶着父亲小心翼翼上楼的画面。我始终觉得那是无比美好的画面,在昏黄的灯光下,青年和老年的身影交错在一起,被拉长的镜头舒缓而伤感,隐藏在平静之下的波涛汹涌在这瞬间都变得微不足道。

 6 ) 中国式与美国式的冲突 (电影中的法律的作业,搬过来了)

影片《刮痧》向我们展示了华人在美国由于法律制度和社会习惯等的不同而产生的一系列冲突。这种冲突可以称作中国式与美国式的冲突,以下是我观看完影片后的一点感受。 中国人和美国的社会,当这两者组合在一起的时候本身就有一种矛盾效果,中国人应该存在于美国社会,美国社会应该容纳的是美国人。而当中国人进入到美国社会后会发生什么呢?影片刮痧就向我们阐述了这样的一个故事。由于影片题材就充满了戏剧性,所以影片本身也充满了戏剧张力。 影片一开始是一场颁奖典礼,在礼堂的外面聚集了一批游行示威者在进行示威游行,用大同的老板约翰的话说就是“宪法规定的那一套言论自由”。他们反对暴力游戏,所以也抵制这个以游戏为主元素的颁奖典礼。在这里中国式与美国式的矛盾就已经产生了:在美国这种游行非常普遍,只要人们对某件事情不满就可以上街游行,人们反对总统某项决议的游行也不在少数;但在中国游行的情况是很少的,游行可以与暴力划上等号,更不要说去反对党和国家的决策了。颁奖典礼的大奖被男主角许大同拿到了,他是一位来美国已经八年的移民。在礼堂内,中国式与美国式的矛盾又爆发了,大同的儿子丹尼斯打了约翰的儿子,大同于是就当着约翰的面打了丹尼斯。这是中国式的“当面教子,背后教妻”,也是中国式的要给老板面子。影片后来约翰对大同的这一行为是这么评价的:“给我面子?好不可理喻的中国逻辑!”至此影片在颁奖典礼的这一段告一段落。 回到家,爷爷给丹尼斯进行了刮痧——the Chinese medical treatment.影片的导火线就此埋下。回到家里,一家人还在谈论着白天大同打丹尼斯这件事。丹尼斯说出了美国式的理解:“打小孩的爸爸不是好爸爸。”爷爷也说出了一个中国式的理解:“打是亲骂是爱,不打不骂不成材。”这可以说是礼堂里中国式与美国式的冲突在家里的延伸。刚来到美国的爷爷特别不适应在美国的生活:不能抽烟,听不懂别人在说什么,不能和美国人交流,老朋友老霍的去世…在我看来,爷爷的不适可以代指大同心里的中国式情结,这种中国式情结在美国社会没有生存空间,导演将大同内心里不适应美国的地方,通过爷爷的不适外化了出来。大同表面上是一个加入美国籍的移民,其内心实际上还是一个中国人,他是“披着美国皮的中国羊”,他内心的中国式在后面的表述中我们就可以看到。我在想一个问题,一个在美国生活了八年的人,其作为怎么还像一个才去美国的人呢? 老霍心脏病突发死去,大同留下丹丹一个人在家去警察局接爷爷,在这个过程中简宁给家里打了个电话,吵醒了熟睡中的丹丹,故事发展到这里,刮痧的导火线就要被点燃了。中国式与美国式的第三个冲突也产生了。在美国单独把孩子留在家里是犯法的,而在中国这种事情在很多地方是司空见惯的。醒来的丹尼斯摔倒了,大同带他到医院缝合伤口,医院的医生发现了丹丹背后由于刮痧导致的“伤痕”,他们以为大同在家里虐待丹丹,于是把这一情况通知了医院的社工。至此影片最大的中国式与美国式的冲突产生了:在中国刮痧是一种传统的中医疗法,而在美国医生们根本就没有听说过刮痧。儿童福利局怀疑大同虐待丹丹,要把丹丹带走,这时候大同的冲动性开始显露了,并且暴露的淋漓尽致。他大声嘶吼着,拒绝警察将丹丹带走。在影片中,大同给了我两个最深刻的印象:冲动和固执。这一次他不顾警察的阻挠去抢孩子,就不利于事态的发展,他应该冷静下来,冷静才是处理好事情的前提。他的冲动和固执在下面还会有叙述。 第一次听证会前,中国式与美国式的第五个冲突发生了:大同请了约翰•昆兰——他的老板,作为他的辩护律师。在中国请熟人帮自己办事情是很正常的,中国的律师也基本可以应付所有类型的诉讼;而在美国,人们选择帮自己办事情的人的标准是他的职业素质,美国人考虑他有没有能力代理,是不是这方面的专家,而不是着重考虑是不是自己的熟人。在听证会上,第六个冲突发生了:大同说了谎,他把刮痧的事揽在了自己身上,顶替了爷爷。约翰在后来问过简宁大同为什么要这样做,简宁回答说:“Because he’s Chinese.”中国式的思考是要替爷爷顶罪,毕竟上法庭是件“不光彩的事情”;美国式的思考是不能撒谎,上法庭也没有什么,跟家里没什么两样,你看那法官多么幽默啊。大同在法庭上又发怒了,坚持孙悟空是正义的化身,他也固执的一再坚持自己没有错,刮痧没有错,那是中国传统中医疗法。这一次大同的冲动和固执两者都暴露出来了。孙悟空和刮痧都没有错,但大同的发怒显然不利于事件的处理。大同一直坚持刮痧只不过是中国的传统中医疗法,他一直在说中国什么什么的,但他没有想过在中国合法合理的事情在美国就不见得合法合理了,而他现在就是在美利坚的国土上。 由于儿童福利局没有提供证据副本以及辩方律师的不对口,法官决定举行第二次听证会。这是中国式与美国式的第七个冲突:在中国不会为了这点鸡毛蒜皮的小事而对案件进行重新审理;而在美国由于追求绝对的公平,它就会进行重新审理。美国法庭的审理与中国很不一样,不管是在证人的站位还是在法官行使的角色上。这是中国式与美国式的第八个冲突:美国法庭审理的主角是律师,一个案件能否打赢的关键就是律师,人们作判断的是证据,先入为主的观念很少;而中国的法庭在审理案件时,主角是法官,案子在未审理时,其实是非曲直已经明了,人们有一个先入为主的观点在里面。在美国的法庭审理中,律师关心更多的似乎是怎样去打赢这场官司,而不是我的当事人是否真的触犯了法律。律师们会玩文字游戏,用他的口才来“拷问”证人。当事人和证人陈述时也会句句斟酌,尽量不让人抓到把柄。在听证会上控方律师甚至把给丹丹接生的女医生也请来了,可见美国人的煞费苦心,也说明了美国档案管理的完备,这在中国是不可能的。 当我们注意大同的老板约翰时,中国式与美国式的第九个冲突出现了:约翰可以去做证人证明大同虐待儿童,但到后来大同要走时也在尽力挽留大同,这在中国是不敢想象的;中国人只会想到老板“背叛”了自己,还来装好人,殊不知是个人的价值观在作怪。美国人信奉绝对正义,在正义面前他们似乎是不讲人情的。 听证会上,大同打输了官司,丹丹暂时由儿童福利局收养。爷爷想回中国,他更习惯跟北京的老朋友在一起。大同送爷爷来到机场。这时候大同又冲动了,大同想当一位孝子,他把丹丹偷偷从幼儿园带了出来,准备带着丹丹和爷爷一起回中国,爷爷果断制止了大同这种鲁莽的行为,一个人坐上了飞往北京的航班。中国式与美国式的第十个冲突出现了:大同成了通缉犯,在电视上进行直播,美国人的信息传达至迅速,对“小问题”的依依不饶,都让人咋舌;在中国为了这样一件事进行通缉甚至追捕是不可想象的。后来七辆警车在追捕大同,跟追捕一个通天大盗一样。我个人觉得这也许是中国人和美国人对法庭和警察的认知态度不一样造成的。中国人总是把警察与做了坏事联系在一起,美国人总是不把警察与坏人联系在一起,警察是市民权利的捍卫者,是市民的朋友,美国人当中上过法庭的也不在少数。 后来大同的老板约翰去了中国城,让中国的传统中医给他进行了一次刮痧,他的后背出现了与丹丹一样的三道伤痕,但他并不感觉疼痛,于是他相信了大同并没有虐待丹丹。约翰和福利局的女职员联名要求法官撤回对大同的起诉,于是丹丹又重新回到了大同的怀抱里,影片到此结束。 这部九十年代公映的电影给我们展示了一个中国人由于不熟悉美国的法律制度而引发的种种冲突,看完让人深思,也让人更加了解了美国。不知道这种类型的电影在当今的中国上映会不会有市场,我想基本是没有的。而在当今我们似乎更需要这样的电影带给我们思考,带给我们冲击。现在的矛盾跟过去相比有过之而无不及,我们需要这样的电影,在以后的学习生活中我也会多看几部这样的电影。



  • Reynard
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  • 酒鬼一家小迷妹
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Because hi's a Chinese.

  • EvaneScencE
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culture strike什么的 真的很恐怖啊... 不知道为什么分没想象中高 父子情 中国文化描述的也很不错 就是最后结局有那么点夸张了 爸爸 你为什么从窗户进来啊? 因为我们家没有烟囱.... 还有 蒋雯丽真漂亮

  • 🐟
  • 力荐

A little bit too dramatized. But still a good story and it was shot in St. Louis. 8.5 out of 10

  • 我呼吸的空气
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  • 单线程青年
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  • 战国客
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  • MIA
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听过法律基础老师上课喜欢放电影了 上次放的《秋菊打官司》 这次放的《刮痧》他以法律与文化作为开题 根据他的法律视角的解读 部电影的主要矛盾在与 自然法和分析法的矛盾 当然其中还提及文明的冲突 法律工作者的形象 亲情 爱情等等 赞同蒋雯丽演得太假了 结尾比较苍白

  • Manchild
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表现得并不仅仅是表层的文化差异 更是对这种文化差异处在一种极度不对等不公平的环境之中的无奈和批判 但是夫妻俩边喝酒边互骂一段拍得太做作了【为生在中国 能够有机会接触了解西方文化而感到庆幸 而不像西方社会对东方文化存在太多的误读和曲解 其实这也算是一种文化的闭锁吧?

  • 凹凸代餐
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  • 熊阿姨
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  • Relex
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  • 鬼腳七
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  • 巴喆
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对于“美国”而言,《刮痧》似乎有所洞察,而有理有据,单手从开场对于Video Game=Violence的抗议再到文本自身的冲突设置均表明:除却对于“西方人对于刮痧的误解”之外,它本身是政治问题而不是社会—文化的问题,开场男主人公许大同对于“美国梦”的陈述并非反讽,真正的反讽在于左翼—民主党话语之下的自以为是,回到影片开场,是否会让人回忆起希拉里一派对于GTA的强烈反对态度?究竟是谁在限制Diversity?但是《刮痧》并不是美国共和党的宣传片,而是中国90年代文化的余波,“镜城”的其中一面(借用戴锦华的比喻),相对于李安的Multi-Cultural文化背景,它却站在“中国”的主体性,满足了官方话语所急需的“国学价值”之复兴,但令人欣喜的是,导演依然从中埋藏了些许“私货”。

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  • 你在百花深处
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  • 瓦达西瓦又又又桑只爱这巧克力
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