

主演:珍妮·麦克蒂尔,大卫·海格,凯瑟琳·哈里森,Diana Fairfax,Peter Birch,Alexander Pearce,Yves Aubert,David Griffith,克里斯·沃克,凯思琳·拜荣,Madelaine Newton,Judy Elrington,Madeline Blakeney,Sandra Clark,马克·坦迪,斯特凡·施瓦茨,哈泽尔·道格拉斯,凯思琳·布拉德肖,Frank Duncan,帕特里夏·戴维森




婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.1婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.2婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.3婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.4婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.5婚姻的肖像 剧照 NO.6
更新时间:2023-09-04 18:13


Melodrama detailing the real-life love affair between feminist writer Vita Sackville-West (Janet McTeer) and novelist Violet Keppel (Cathryn Harrison) against the backdrop of post-World War I England and opposition by Vita's politican husband Harold Nicolson (David Haig). Vita and Violet's romantic relationship becomes increasingly obsessive which spawns destructive feelings of...


 1 ) 到底爱情是什么?


 2 ) 【考据向】简单的时间线梳理:Vita 和她的女人们


Vita Sackville-West,全名 Victoria Mary Sackville-West,生卒年1892-1962,终年70岁。


童年时期,Vita 在女子学校 Helen Wolff's school 上学。此时她并不合群,时常觉得孤独,深夜在 Knole 不停写作。不过,此时她认识了初恋们 Violet Keppel 和 Rosamund Grosvenor。

1910年,Vita 正式进入社交圈。

初恋:Rosamund Grosvenor

Rosamund Grosvenor 比 Vita 大四岁,对 Vita 的性取向有非常重要的影响。Rosamund 可能是 Vita 爱上的第一个女人,她在日记里写到,「Oh, I dare say I realized vaguely that I had no business to sleep with Rosamund, and I should certainly never have allowed anyone to find it out」。 她们在1911年就热恋中了。但1912年 Vita 的日记里写到「这种关系是肤浅的,纯粹是身体上的,因为坦率地说,我发现她非常烦人,但是我很喜欢她,她性格柔和但愚蠢」。

1913年 21岁的 Vita 嫁给 Harold Nicolson,两人关系破裂。1924年 Rosamund 结婚。二战中担任护士,1944年被炸死于伦敦 Savoy Chapel 医院,时年55岁。

此生不渝:Violet Keppel

Violet Keppel(1894-1972)十岁那年遇见了比她大两岁的 Vita,结为好友。14岁那年,Violet 向 Vita 告白,送给 Vita 那枚古老的戒指(剧中她一直戴的那枚)。但两人并没有生活在一起。 直到1910年,Violet 一家搬回 London 的 Grosvenor Street。Violet 发现了 Vita 和 Rosamund Grosvenor 的关系并且很快要结婚了,于是订婚使 Vita 吃醋…… 1918年,两人身处热恋状态中,作出很多当时社会规范觉得出格的事情,比如一起去巴黎玩…… 1919年,Violet 结婚。 1020年,两人私奔到巴黎,两位丈夫前来寻妻,Vita 的丈夫 Harold 告诉她 Violet 对她不忠(对象是她丈夫),Vita 非常生气,两人关系破裂。 1921年,两人最后在法国又旅行了一次。在 Harold 的威胁下,两人正式分手。Violet 被送往意大利,被禁止给 Vita 写信。她写了一份特别绝望的信给她们共同的朋友 Pat Dansey。 1940年,因为二战 Violet 回到伦敦,两人时隔二十年再见,又恢复了情真意切的通信。直至1962年 Vita 去世。十年后 Violet 去世。

对这段关系颇为了解的伍尔夫写了一本《奥兰多》送给 Vita,主角就是 Vita,Violet 在里面是俄罗斯公主 Sasha。

灵魂伴侣:Virginia Woolf

1922年,Vita 在一场聚会上认识了伍尔夫。1925年两人相恋,持续了十年,高峰期在1925-1928年左右。她们之间有很多情意绵绵的情书,比如:

1926,Vita to 伍尔夫, (此时 Vita 去非洲旅行了)

I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, with all your un-dumb letters, would never write so elementary a phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn’t even feel it. And yet I believe you’ll be sensible of a little gap. But you’d clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it would lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a squeal of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan’t make you love me any the more by giving myself away like this — but oh my dear, I can’t be clever and stand-offish with you: I love you too much for that. Too truly. You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defences. And I don’t really resent it.”


Your letter came this morning — But why do you think I don’t feel, or that I make phrases? “Lovely phrases” you say which rob things of reality. Just the opposite. Always, always, always I try to say what I feel. Will you then believe that after you went last Tuesday — exactly a week ago — out I went into the slums of Bloomsbury, to find a barrel organ. But it did not make me cheerful … And ever since, nothing important has happened — Somehow it’s dull and damp. I have been dull; I have missed you. I do miss you. I shall miss you. And if you don’t believe it, you’re a longeared owl and ass.

1927,伍尔夫 to Vita(我心中的情书最佳),

Look here Vita — throw over your man, and we’ll go to Hampton Court and dine on the river together and walk in the garden in the moonlight and come home late and have a bottle of wine and get tipsy, and I’ll tell you all the things I have in my head, millions, myriads — They won’t stir by day, only by dark on the river. Think of that. Throw over your man, I say, and come.” 看这儿,Vita——忘却你的男人吧,然后我们就去汉普顿宫,在河边共进晚餐,在月光下的花园里散步,晚点儿回家,再喝上一瓶红酒。我会将我脑海里的一切都倾诉给你,千万百万,无穷无尽——岁月不能使它们浑浊,唯有幽黯的长河才能。想想那些吧。我说了,忘掉你的男人,跟我来。

当然,什么都比不过伍尔夫的那本《奥兰多》。Vita 的儿子,Nigel Nicolson 说这本书是「the longest and most charming love-letter in literature.」


其他同性恋人包括: 1927年,Mary Garman,布鲁姆斯伯里团体(包括作家、艺术家和知识分子)的一员(Vita 你真喜欢文学圈啊……忘了说 Violet Keppel 也是作家) 1929-1931,Hilda Matheson,bbc制作人。 1931,Vita 和新闻记者Evelyn Irons 和记者的情人 Olive Rinder 玩3p……但记者第二年遇见了 Joy McSweeney 甩了 Vita。


补充一封 Violet to Vita 的情书(引自:Primary Article Sources Violet Trefusis, letter to Vita Sackville-West (March 1919)

My own sweet love, I am writing this at 2 o'clock in the morning at the conclusion of the most cruelly ironical clay I have spent in my life. This evening I was taken to a ball of some good people. Chinday had previously told all her friends I was engaged so I was congratulated by everyone I knew there. I could have screamed aloud. Mitya, I can't face this existence. I shall see you once again on Monday and it depends on you whether we shall ever see each other again. It is really wicked and horrible. I am losing every atom of self-respect I ever possessed. I hate myself. 0 Mitya, what have you done to me? 0 my darling, precious love, what is going to become of use I want you every second and every hour of the day, yet I am being slowly and inexorably tied to somebody else... Sometimes I am flooded by an agony of physical longing for you... a craving for your nearness and your touch. At other times I feel I should be quite content if I could only hear the sound of your voice. I try so hard to imagine your lips on mine. Never was there such a pitiful imagining.... Darling, whatever it may cost us, my mother won't be cross with you any more. I suppose this ridiculous engagement will set her mind at rest.... Nothing and no one in the world could kill the love I have for you. I have surrendered my whole individuality, the very essence of my being to you. I have given you my body time after time to treat as you pleased, to tear to pieces if such had been your will. All the hoardings of my imagination I have laid bare to you. There isn't a recess in my brain into which you haven't penetrated. I have clung to you and caressed you and slept with you and I would like to tell the whole world I clamour for you.... You are my lover and I am your mistress, and kingdoms and empires and governments have tottered and succumbed before now to that mighty combination - the most powerful in the world.

 3 ) 不平凡的女人,Vita Sackville-West

第一次见到Vita的名字是在Virginia Woolf的百科里,一句“和薇塔开始一段亲密关系”一下便吸引了我。

如果你有研究过Vita,你会发现这是一个非常不一样的女人。她曾经交往的女友中有小说家Violet Trefusis(即电影中的女二),意识流大师、20世纪最伟大的女性作家Virginia Woolf,BBC谈话节目的领军人物Hilda Matheson,被评为最佳记者的Evelyn Irons等等。
用原著作者,也就是Vita的儿子Nigel Nicolson的话说就是“Vita一直都在恋爱”,而这句话还可以补上“Vita一直在和那些不平凡的女人恋爱。”

对于Vita和Harold的关系,有一种普遍说法——Vita和Harold都是同性恋,在婚姻之下,两人各自寻找自己的同性伴侣,而保持一种相互尊重的关系。电影里的Harold却是一个爱Vita爱得死去活来的政客。个人更倾向于前者的说法,因为历史上Vita除了Violet还有很多同性恋人,而电影里的Harold显然不会让这种事情多次发生。这种关系很快让我联想到了Virginia Woolf和Leonard的婚姻,同样也是一种战友之情多于爱人之情的婚姻。而电影里的Harold也许真的为了所谓“戏剧效果”白白牺牲了,成为一个小肚鸡肠伪善的男人,每次看到他那种憨厚无害的笑容,我就头皮发麻。他可以一边微笑地理解Vita,却一边联合另一个男人去阻止;他可以一边微笑地同情Vita,却一边为Violet的订婚欢呼。唯一值得安慰的是,在陪伴着一个渐渐少了快乐的Vita身边近半个世纪以后,他终于又想到了他之前的承诺“我会爱你的朋友,即使是Violet.”但曲终人散,后悔也改变不了结局,改变不了Vita.

影片的Vita在开场不久就让我有一种Virginia的既视感,相比时时刻刻中的略显疯癫的Nicole Kidman,Janet McTeer可以说是Virginia的再世!时而冷静和时而疯狂,时而尖酸时而友善。值得一提的是,我还发现百度百科的Virginia的照片其实是Vita的,这一巧合还有趣地让我发现,实际上她们长得也很像。

Janet McTeer的表演堪称“完美”,特别是在听到Violet结婚消息时,还有得知Violet的丈夫曾“侵占”过Violet时,那种激愤、绝望的神情,简直把作为观众的我压抑得无法呼吸。导演选角选得太好了,化妆也好,也或许是Janet McTeer天生就是如此…看看历史中的Vita,和电影中的Janet McTee,长得几乎是一模一样!看过很多电影,也喜欢过一些电影明星,但Janet McTee是第一个让我情不自禁感叹“演技好”的演员,以至于让我产生Janet McTee就是Vita的错觉。


 4 ) 同妻和同夫也可以好好生活,we are loving loving friends


1. 羡慕这两个人的关系,友情以上,soulmate的感觉,加之亲情。难怪Vita对Violet坦白她incapable of being faithful的时候却说唯独一直深深爱着Harold. 港真这难道不是形婚的最高境界吗!!!

2. Janet McTeer太棒了,与看完vita & virginia的感受截然相反,这版vita完全勾起了我想要了解这个女人的欲望。

3. 最后一段感觉dramatize过头了,不知道真实情况什么样的,需要看原著再自己慢慢挖掘吧。没想到Vita占有欲这么强,得知女朋友和自己合法老公睡过就要死要活的,各种锤墙掐人放狠话,相比起来我们煤老板就隐忍多了,被情人的老公间接传染了性病也只能打碎牙齿和血吞。。。(误) 还不认识煤老板的给一个传送门: //www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch/movie/26989670

4. Vita Sackville-West有被译成中文的作品吗?大致找了一下,约莫一部也没有?!书信集可以先翻起来,天啊这几个人都是那么的能写,感觉阅读量巨大。。

5. 这个Vita我太可以了让我流一会儿鼻血...连Harold都忍不住夸穿着马裤的Vita好帅...

 5 ) 诺尔庄园和西辛赫斯特城堡






2,西辛赫斯特城堡(Sissinghurst Castle)











 6 ) Primary Article Sources

(1) Violet Keppel, Don't Look Round (1952)

No one had told me that Vita (Sackville-West) had turned into a beauty. The knobs and knuckles had all disappeared. She was tall and graceful. The profund, hereditary Sackville eyes were as pools from which the morning mists had lifted. A peach might have envied her complexion. Round her revolved several enamoured young men.

(2) Vita Sackville-West, Autobiography (1920)

I hate writing this, but I must, I must. When I began this I swore I would shirk nothing, and no more I will. So here is the truth: I was never so much in love with Rosamund as during those weeks in Italy and the months that followed. It may seem that I should have missed Harold more. I admit everything, to my shame, but I have never pretended to have anything other than a base and despicable character. I seem to be incapable of fidelity, as much then as now. But, as a sole justification, I separate my loves into two halves: Harold, who is unalterable, perennial, and best; there has never been anything but absolute purity in my love for Harold, just as there has never been anything but absolute purity in his nature. And on the other hand stands my perverted nature, which loved and tyrannized over Rosamund and ended by deserting her without one heart-pang, and which now is linked irremediably with Violet. I have here a scrap of paper on which Violet, intuitive psychologist, has scribbled, "The upper half of your face is so pure and grave - almost childlike. And the lower half is so domineering, sensual, almost brutal - it is the most absurd contrast, and extraordinarily symbolical of your Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality." That is the whole crux of the matter, and I see now that my whole curse has been a duality with which I was too weak and too self-indulgent to struggle.

(3) Violet Trefusis, letter to Vita Sackville-West (March 1919)

My own sweet love, I am writing this at 2 o'clock in the morning at the conclusion of the most cruelly ironical clay I have spent in my life.

This evening I was taken to a ball of some good people. Chinday had previously told all her friends I was engaged so I was congratulated by everyone I knew there. I could have screamed aloud. Mitya, I can't face this existence. I shall see you once again on Monday and it depends on you whether we shall ever see each other again.

It is really wicked and horrible. I am losing every atom of self-respect I ever possessed. I hate myself. 0 Mitya, what have you done to me? 0 my darling, precious love, what is going to become of use

I want you every second and every hour of the day, yet I am being slowly and inexorably tied to somebody else... Sometimes I am flooded by an agony of physical longing for you... a craving for your nearness and your touch. At other times I feel I should be quite content if I could only hear the sound of your voice. I try so hard to imagine your lips on mine. Never was there such a pitiful imagining.... Darling, whatever it may cost us, my mother won't be cross with you any more. I suppose this ridiculous engagement will set her mind at rest....

Nothing and no one in the world could kill the love I have for you. I have surrendered my whole individuality, the very essence of my being to you. I have given you my body time after time to treat as you pleased, to tear to pieces if such had been your will. All the hoardings of my imagination I have laid bare to you. There isn't a recess in my brain into which you haven't penetrated. I have clung to you and caressed you and slept with you and I would like to tell the whole world I clamour for you.... You are my lover and I am your mistress, and kingdoms and empires and governments have tottered and succumbed before now to that mighty combination - the most powerful in the world.

(4) Nigel Nicolson, Portrait of a Marriage (1973)

She (Vita) didn't know how strong and dangerous such passion could be, until Violet replaced Rosamund. Of course she knew that "such a thing existed", but she did not give it a name, and felt no guilt about it. At the time of her marriage she may have been ignorant that men could feel for other men as she had felt for Rosamund, but when she had made this discovery in Harold himself, it did not come as a great shock to her, for she had the romantic notion that it was natural and salutary for "people" to love each other, and the desire to kiss and touch was simply the physical expression of affection, and it made no difference whether it was affection between people of the same sex or the opposite.

It was fortunate that both were made that way. If only one of them had been, their marriage would probably have collapsed. Violet did not destroy their physical union; she simply provided the alternative for which Vita was unconsciously seeking at the moment when her physical passion for Harold, and his for her, had begun to cool. In Harold's life at that time there was no male Violet, luckily for him, since his love for Vita might not have survived two rivals simultaneously. Before he met Vita he had been half-engaged to another girl, Eileen Wellesley. He was not driven to homosexuality by Vita's temporary desertion of him, because it had always been latent, but his loneliness may have encouraged this tendency to develop, since with his strong sense of duty (much stronger than Vita's) he felt it to be less treacherous to sleep with men in her absence than with other women. When he was left stranded in Paris, he once confessed to Vita that he was "spending his time with rather low people, the demi-monde", and this could have meant young men. When she returned to him, it certainly did. Lady Sackville noted in her diary, "Vita intends to be very platonic with Harold, who accepts it like a lamb.' They never shared a bedroom after that.



看过以后我就理解为什么Virignia Woolf会被Vita迷住了。另外Janet McTeer简直和历史上的Vita长得一模一样!而且Janet太该演一下Virginia Woolf了,太有那种气场了!演技太赞了!

  • Cassidy卡西
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  • 有多远走多远
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  • 其实叫朗基努斯
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  • SmileSoSweetTT
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  • 独孤睿轩
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  • 给你我最亲爱的
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男女主角的演员Janet McTeer和David Haig都与历史上的Vita和Harold非常相像。尤其是Janet McTeer,演得太好了,把Vita的狂野不羁、疯狂,还有她最后的愤怒与悲伤诠释得入木三分。如果这就是真实的Vita Sackville-West,谁能不爱她呢?(顺便总结一下主角们的称呼:Vita Sackville-West/Mitya/Mar/Victoria Mary Sackville-West/Mrs. Nicolson,Violet Keppel/Lushka/Mrs. Trefusis)

  • Lushka
  • 力荐

激情和欲望令人失去理智,选择困难,现实阻碍,撕扯着一个两头都想要又不知道到底真的爱谁的女人,或者说她谁都不爱。love is messy,and horrible and selfish and bold. 不要跟已婚女人搅和在一起。

  • 子时是颗沙枣
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这对夫妻太硬核了,if your gay husband really loves you, then it might be the masculine qualities or "manliness" in you that attracts him, in other words, 你有可能有潜质做个T。这个Vita比vita&virginia里那个强大太多,Janet McTeer我可以

  • RainbowCannon
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  • 上世纪老人家🍦
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剧一般,演员贴切。看《不惧风暴》时恍惚觉得丘吉尔夫人和Tilda Swinton有些神似,果然Janet McTeer演过奥兰多的原型Vita Sackville West。剧中的Vita穿上长裤靴子散开半长卷发的时候,那简直是...要逼贤妻良母们走上弯路么。Violet在里面像只灵动的小狐狸,很符合奥兰多爱上的俄罗斯公主的形象。

  • 门多塔的孽障
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  • Настя
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  • jfrsuctswcgrsb
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  • Aby
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真是无了敌了。上世纪初的自由开放和礼节度比这个世纪初牛叉闪闪太多了!还是只是我孤陋寡闻,……不过倒也是,若没有这样一位儿子把他父母的这一切公诸于众,谁又会知道那么多惊世骇俗的细节。btw, Janet McTeer有这么帅,倒是完全没预料到,虽然理智与情感里就觉得那双眼睛很被遗传

  • 闻人林
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这部电影的名字应该改为 the ugly truth of a marriage between a gay and a lesbian. 尤其是第四部的结尾,两个女主闹翻竟然是Violet在婚后有没有和丈夫做爱,Vita和丈夫在这段的表现只能用ugly来形容了。对于这个问题的真实答案并不重要,重要的是为什么要问这个问题,和如何回答。从Denys最后改口的回答和他轻抚Vilolet的动作来看,他是真的很爱Violet.

  • Halfdome
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  • 楞次
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这才是文艺女青年互撩的正确打开方式!Vita & Virginia的导演完全可以看这部90年的小短剧学习一下如何解决文学与暧昧关系割裂的"两张皮"问题

  • 法外之徒
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颜值明明跟的上 剧情槽点多 装束更是不忍看 不方便做爱

  • Flores🌈
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我来解释一下这剧情有多么drama ,女主是les,老公是gay,然后他俩结婚了,然后老公跟女主说我得病了,我得病是因为我以前睡的都是男人,而你却是我最爱的女人。然后女主为打发寂寞把青梅竹马的发小兼情人请来了,俩爱的死去活来,但是老公就不乐意了,不停说我非常我爱你,哭的那个恶心,直到当备胎当到女主的情人也结婚了,俩男的备胎阻止俩女的在一起,但是情人的老公人品还不错,没有做什么出格的事,但女主老公人品真是无敌,不停说情人坏话,到最后致使女主和情人最终没能在一起,可悲的是女主还特别相信老公,总结:女主与老公都是自私鬼,最惨的是情人老公,其次是情人。btw,演老公的演员演的还特别出戏

  • 布鲁斯橋
  • 力荐


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