

主演:贝蒂·戴维斯  安妮·巴克斯特  乔治·桑德斯  西莱斯特·霍姆  



彗星美人 剧照 NO.1彗星美人 剧照 NO.2彗星美人 剧照 NO.3彗星美人 剧照 NO.4彗星美人 剧照 NO.5彗星美人 剧照 NO.6彗星美人 剧照 NO.13彗星美人 剧照 NO.14彗星美人 剧照 NO.15彗星美人 剧照 NO.16彗星美人 剧照 NO.17彗星美人 剧照 NO.18彗星美人 剧照 NO.19彗星美人 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-15 17:46




 1 ) 生活永远高于艺术

不知道为什么会有人把《黑天鹅》和1951年的奥斯卡最佳影片《彗星美人》拿来比较,我看不出两部电影的可比性在哪儿。我在《黑天鹅》中看到的是艺术的完美境界让艺术家经历的炼狱般的煎熬,而《彗星美人》不是关于表演本身的,而是为了登上舞台成为明星的阴谋与背叛。跟自己,跟他人,决斗挣扎,当明星可真够不容易的。想想看,比如章子怡徐静蕾这些演员,她们演电影证明自己永远不会是优秀的演员,她们导电影证明自己永远不会是优秀的导演,那靠什么红啊,除非运气跟海啸一样砸下来,否则可得是费尽折腾的。 电影会有力量,会打动人,是因为它来自真实的生活。比如《让子弹飞》最有冲击力的一个段子,是坏人污蔑好人吃了2碗凉粉,好人剖腹开肠,以死证明自己只吃了一碗。如果你觉得这是艺术夸张过于血腥,现实中不就有这样血淋淋的活例子吗,开胸验肺的工人,还反复开,不跟拿刀子切开胃掏凉粉一样血腥悲惨吗。“我知道你只吃了一碗,你上当了。”那一刻陈坤的表情让我觉得甚至他的表演都进步了。 《彗星美人》戏外比戏里更精彩。巴克斯特在戏里饰演想方设法把当红女明星挤下了舞台的野心勃勃的新秀,在戏外,巴克斯特在当年奥斯卡最佳女演员的争夺中,不知道使了什么法子竟然使自己和出演女主角的戴维斯同时被提名为最佳女主角奖,而不是女配角奖,在奥斯卡历史上非常罕见。最终选票分流,有着无可挑剔表现的贝蒂.戴维斯因此而未能获得当年最佳女主角奖,巴克斯特也没有。 艺术很鬼斧神工,生活永远比艺术更鬼斧神工。

 2 ) All about innocence, and this society


他一定要有一个深刻的东西。all about eve在谈论一个特别重要的东西,西方人特别喜欢讲的,百讲不厌:innocence/天真。尤其在物欲横流的当下,(在这个故事背景中,好莱坞就是其意象)在充满着欺骗和伪善的世界里,这个东西特别珍贵,所以一再拿出来讲。


all about eve不是一个肤浅的[杜拉拉上位]的故事,是一个充满野心和欲望的女孩儿,在心计算尽后夺得权力的故事,它构筑着好莱坞/美国主流价值观,也预言着未来,预言着整个当下和全世界奉行的东西:这个世界的主流价值崇尚着权利名誉地位的欲望与野心,在追求成功的道路上,我们将失去最初最纯真的东西。天真、善良、正直、诚实,这些人性中最宝贵的东西。



The things you drop on your way up the ladder, so you can move faster.
You forget you'll need them again when you go back to being a woman.
 That's one career all females have in common - whether we like it or not - being a woman.
 Sooner or later we've all got to work at it, no matter what other careers we've had or wanted... and, in the last analysis, nothing is any good unless you can look up just before dinner or turns around in bed - and there he is. Without that, you're not woman. You're something with a French provincial office or a book full of clippings - but you're not a woman...






It is not a large room and jammed with tables, mostly for
four but some for six and eight. A long table of honor, for
about thirty people, has been placed upon a dais.

Diner is over. Demi-tasses, cigars and brandy. The overall
effect is one of worn elegance and dogged gentility. It is

The CAMERA, as it has been throughout the CREDIT TITLES, is
on the SARAH SIDDONS AWARD. It is a gold statuette, about a
foot high, of Sarah Siddons as The Tragic Muse. Exquisitely
framed in a nest of flowers, it rests on a miniature altar in
the center of the table of honor.

Over this we hear the crisp, cultured, precise VOICE of

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         The Sarah Siddons Award for
         Distinguished Achievement is
         perhaps unknown to you. It has been
         spared the sensational and
         commercial publicity that attends
         such questionable "honors" as the
         Pulitzer Prize and those awards
         presented annually by the film

The CAMERA has EASED BACK to include some of the table of
honor and a distinguished gentleman with snow-white hair who
is speaking. We do not hear what he says.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         The distinguished looking gentleman
         is an extremely old actor. Being an
         actor - he will go on speaking for
         some time. It is not important what
         you hear what he says.

The CAMERA EASES BACK some more, and CONTINUES until it
discloses a fairly COMPREHENSIVE SHOT of the room

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         However it is important that you
         know where you are, and why you are
         here. This is the dining room of
         the Sarah Siddons Society.
         The occasion is its annual banquet
         and presentation of the highest
         honor our Theater knows - the Sarah
         Siddons Award for Distinguished

A GROUP OF WAITERS are clustered near the screen masking the
entrances of the kitchen. The screens are papered with old
theatrical programs. The waiters are all aged and venerable.
They look respectfully toward the speaker.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         These hollowed walls, indeed many
         of these faces, have looked upon
         Modjeska, Ada Rehan and Minnie
         Fiske; Mansfield's voice filled the
         room, Booth breathed this air. It
         is unlikely that the windows have
         been opened since his death.

CLOSE - THE AWARD on its altar, it shines proudly above five
or six smaller altars which surround it and which are now

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         The minor awards, as you can see,
         have already been presented. Minor
         awards are for such as the writer
         and director - since their function
         is merely to construct a tower so
         that the world can applaud a light
         which flashes on top of it and no
         brighter light has ever dazzled the
         eye than Eve Harrington. Eve... but
         more of Eve, later. All about Eve,
         in fact.

unattractive, a fastidious dresser, sharp of eye and
merciless of tongue. An omnipresent cigarette holder projects
from his mouth like the sward of D'Artagnan.

He sits back in his chair, musingly, his fingers making
little cannonballs out of bread crumbs. His narration covers
the MOVE of the CAMERA to him:

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         To those of you who do not read,
         attend the Theater, listen to
         uncensored radio programs or know
         anything of the world in which we
         live - it is perhaps necessary to
         introduce myself. My name is
         Addison deWitt.
         My native habitat is the Theater -
         in it I toil not, neither do I
         spin. I am a critic and
         commentator. I am essential to the
         Theater - as ants are to a picnic,
         as the ball weevil to a cotton

He looks to his left. KAREN RICHARDS is lovely and thirtyish
in an unprofessional way. She is scraping bread crumbs,
spilled sugar, etc., into a pile with a spoon. Addison takes
one of her bread crumbs. She smiles absently. Addison rolls
the bread crumb into a cannonball.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         This is Karen Richards. She is the
         wife of a playwright, therefore of
         the Theater by marriage. Nothing in
         her background or breeding should
         have brought her any closer the
         stage than row E, center...

Karen continues her doodling.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         ... however, during her senior year
         in Radcliffe, Lloyd Richards
         lectured on drama. The following
         year Karen became Mrs. Lloyd
         Richards. Lloyd is the author of
         'Footsteps on the Ceiling' - the
         play which has won for Eve
         Harrington the Sarah Siddons

Karen absently pats the top of her little pile of refuse. A
hand reaches in to take the spoon away. Karen looks as the
CAMERA PANS with IT to MAX FABIAN. He sits at her left. He's
a sad-faced man with glasses and a look of constant
apprehension. He smiles apologetically and indicated a white
powder with he unwraps. He pantomimes that his ulcer is

Karen smiles back, returns to her doodling. Addison mashes a
cigarette stub, pops it out of his holder. He eyes Max.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         There are two types of theatrical
         producers. One has a great many
         wealthy friends who will risk a tax
         deductible loss. This type is
         interested in Art.

Max drops the powder into some water, stirs it, drinks, burps
delicately and close his eyes.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         The other is one to whom each
         production mean potential ruin or
         fortune. This type is out to make a
         buck. Meet Max Fabian. He is the
         producer of the play which has won
         Eve Harrington the Sarah Siddons

Max rests fitfully. He twitches. A hand reaches into the
SCENE, removes a bottle of Scotch from before him. The CAMERA
follows the bottle to MARGO CHANNING. She sits at Max's left,
at deWitt's right. An attractive, strong face. She is
childish, adult, reasonable, unreasonable - usually one when
she should be the other, but always positive. She pours a
stiff drink.

Addison hold out the soda bottle to her. She looks at it, and
at him, as if it were a tarantula and he had gone mad. He
smiles and pours a glass of soda for himself.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         Margo Channing is the Star of the
         Theater. She made her first stage
         appearance, at the age of four, in
         'Midsummer Night's Dream'. She
         played a fairy and entered - quite
         unexpectedly - stark naked. She has
         been a Star ever since.

Margo sloshes her drink around moodily, pulls at it.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         Margo is a great Star. A true Star.
         She never was or will be anything
         less or anything less...
                (slight pause)
         ... the part for which Eve
         Harrington is receiving the Sarah
         Siddons Award was intended
         originally for Margo Channing...

Addison, having sipped his soda water, puts a new cigarette
in his holder, leans back, lights it, looks and exhales in
the general direction of the table of honor. As he speaks the
CAMERA MOVES in the direction of his glance...

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         Having covered in tedious detail
         not only the history of the Sarah
         Siddons Society, but also the
         history of acting since Thespis
         first stepped out of the chorus
         line - our distinguished chairman
         has finally arrived at our reason
         for being here...

At this point Addison's voice FADES OUT and the voice of the
aged actor FADES IN. CAMERA is in MEDIUM CLOSE SHOT of him
and the podium.

                        AGED ACTOR
         I have been proud and privileged to
         have spent my life in the Theater -
         "a poor player ... that struts and
         frets his hour upon the stage" -
         and I have been honored to be, for
         forty years, Chief Promoter of the
         Sarah Siddons Society...
                (he lifts the Sarah
                 Siddons Award from its
         Thirty-nine times have I placed in
         deserving hands this highest honor
         the Theater knows...
                (he grows a bit arch, he
                 uses his eyebrows)
         Surely no actor is older than I - I
         have earned my place out of the
                (indulgent laughter)
         ... and never before has this Award
         gone to anyone younger than its
         recipient tonight. How fitting that
         it should pass from my hands to

EVE HANDS: Lovely, beautifully groomed. In serene repose,
they rest between a demi-tasse cup and an exquisite small
evening cup.

                        AGED ACTOR
         Such young hands. Such a young
         lady. Young in years, but whose
         heart is as old as the Theater...

Addison's eyes narrow quizzically as he listens. Then,
slowly, he turns to look at Karen...

                        AGED ACTOR
         Some of us a privileged to know
         her. We have seen beyond the beauty
         and artistry-

Karen never ceases her thoughtful pat-a-cake with the crumbs.

                        AGED ACTOR
         -that have made her name resound
         through the nation. We know her
         humility. Her devotion, her loyalty
         to her art.

Addison's glance moves from Karen to Margo.

                        AGED ACTOR
         Her love, her deep and abiding love
         for us-

Margo's face is a mask. She looks down at the drink which she
cradles with both hands.

                        AGED ACTOR
         -for what we are and what we do.
         The Theater. She has had one wish,
         one prayer, one dream. To belong to
                (he's nearing his curtain
         Tonight her dream has come true.
         And henceforth we shall dream the
         same of her.
                (a slight pause)
         Honored members, ladies and
         gentlemen - for distinguished
         achievement in the Theater - the
         Sarah Siddons Award to Miss Eve

The entire room is galvanized into sudden and tumultuous
applause. Some enthusiastic gentlemen rise to her feet...
Flash bulbs start popping about halfway down the table of the
Aged Actor's left...

Eve rises - beautiful, radiant, poised, exquisitely gowned.
She stands in simple and dignified response to the ovation.

A dozen photographers skip, squat, and dart about like water
bugs. Flash bulbs pop and pop and pop...

THE WAITERS applaud enthusiastically...

AGED ACTOR, Award in hand, he beams at her...

EVE smiles sweetly to her left, then to her right...

MAX has come to. He applauds lustily.

ADDISON's applauding too, more discreetly.

MARGO, not applauding. But you sense no deliberate slight,
merely an impression that as she looks at Eve her mind is on something else...

KAREN, nor is she applauding. But her gaze is similarly fixed
on Eve in a strange, faraway fashion.

ADDISON, still applauding, his eyes flash first at Margo and
then at Karen. Then he directs them back to Eve. He smiles
ever so slightly.

The applause has continued unabated. EVE turns now, and moves
gracefully toward the Aged Actor. She moves through
applauding ladies and gentlemen; from below the flash bulbs
keep popping...

As she nears her goal, the Ages Actor turns to her. He holds
out the award. Her hand reaches out for it. At that precise
moment - with the award just beyond her fingertips - THE

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         Eve. Eve, the Golden Girl. The
         cover girl, the girl next door, the
         girl on the moon... Time has been
         good to Eve, Life goes where she
         goes - she's been profiled,
         covered, revealed, reported, what
         she eats and when and where, whom
         she knows and where she was and
         when and where she's going...

ADDISON has stopped applauding, he's sitting forward, staring
intently at Eve... his narration continues unbroken.

                        ADDISON'S VOICE
         ... Eve. You all know all about
         Eve... what can there be to know
         that you don't know...?

As he leans back, the APPLAUSE FADES IN as tumultuous as
before. Addison's look moves slowly from Eve to Karen.

KAREN, she leans forward now, her eyes intently on Eve. Her
as she thinks back:

                        KAREN'S VOICE
         When was it? How long? It seems a
         lifetime ago. Lloyd always said
         that in the Theater a lifetime was
         a season, and a season a lifetime.
         It's June now. That was - early
         October... only last October. It
         was a drizzly night, I remember I
         asked the taxi to wait...

                                                        DISSOLVE TO:


Traffic is not heavy, the shows have broken some half-hour
before. The rain is just a drizzle.

There are other theaters on the street; display lights are
being extinguished. Going out just as Karen's taxi pulls up
is: MARGO CHANNING in 'AGED IN WOOD'. The marquis display
below includes "Max Fabian Presents" and "By Lloyd Richards."

The taxi comes to a stop at the alley. Karen can be seen
through the closed windows telling the driver to wait. Then
she gets out. She takes a step, hesitates, then looks about

                        KAREN'S VOICE
         Where was she? Strange... I had
         become so accustomed to seeing her
         there night after night - I found
         myself looking for a girl I'd never
         spoken to, wondering where she

She smiles a little at her own romanticism, puts her head
down and makes her way into the alley.


Karen moves toward the stage door. She passes a recess in the
wall - perhaps an exit - about halfway.

                        EVE'S VOICE
         Mrs. Richards...

Karen hesitates, looks. Eve is barely distinguishable in the
shadow of the recess. Karen smiles, waits. Eve comes out. A
gooseneck light above them reveals her...

She wears a cheap trench coat, low-heeled shoes, a rain hat
stuck on the back of her head... Her large, luminous eyes
seem to glow up at Karen in the strange half-light.

         So there you are. It seemed odd,
         suddenly, your not being there...

         Why should you think I wouldn't be?

         Why should you be? After all, six
         nights a week - for weeks - of
         watching even Margo Channing enter
         and leave a theater-

         I hope you don't mind my speaking
         to you...

         Not at all.

         I've seen you so often - it took
         every bit of courage I could raise-

         To speak to just a playwright's
         wife? I'm the lowest form of

         You're Margo Channing's best
         friend. You and your husband are
         always with her - and Mr.
         Sampson... what's he like?

         Bill Sampson? He's - he's a

         He's the best.

         He'll agree with you. Tell me, what
         do you between the time Margo goes
         in and comes out? Just huddle in
         that doorway and wait?

         Oh, no. I see the play.

         You see the play? You've seen the
         play every performance?
                (Eve nods)
         But, don't you find it - I mean
         apart from everything else - don't
         you find it expensive?

         Standing room doesn't cost much. I

Karen contemplates Eve. Then she takes her arm.

         I'm going to take you to Margo...

                (hanging back)
         Oh, no...

         She's got to meet you-

         No, I'd be imposing on her, I'd be
         just another tongue-tied gushing

Karen practically propels her toward the stage door.

         There isn't another like you, there
         couldn't be-

         But if I'd known... maybe some
         other time... I mean, looking like

         You look just fine...
                (they're at the stage
         ... by the way. What's your name?

         Eve. Eve Harrington.

Karen opens the door. They go in.


Everything, including the doorman, looks fireproof.

Eve enters like a novitiate's first visit to the Vatican.
Karen, with a "Good evening, Gus -" to the doorman, leads the
way toward Margo's stage dressing room. Eve, drinking in the
wonderment of all the surveys, lags behind. Karen waits for
her to catch up...

         You can breathe it - can't you?
         Like some magic perfume...

Karen smiles, takes Eve's arm. They proceed to Margo's
dressing room.


No star on the closed door; the paint is peeling. A type
written chit, thumbtacked, says MISS CHANNING.

As Karen and Eve approach it, an uninhibited guffaw from
Margo makes them pause.

         You wait a minute...
         ... now don't run away-

Eve smiles shakily. At the same moment:

                        MARGO'S VOICE
                (loudly; through the door)
         "Honey chile," I said, "if the
         South had won the war, you could
         write the same plays about the

Karen enters during the line.


It is a medium-sized box, lined with hot water pipes and
cracked plaster. It is furnished in beat-up wicker. A door
leads to an old-fashioned bathroom.

Margo is at the dressing table. She wears an old wrapper, her
hair drawn back tightly to fit under the wig which lies
before her like a dead poodle. Also before her is an almost
finished drink.

LLOYD RICHARDS is stretched out on the wicker chaise. He's in
his late thirties, sensitive, literate.

Between them, by the dressing table, is BIRDIE - Margo's
maid. Her age is unimportant. She was conceived during a
split week in Walla Walla and born in a carnival riot. She is
fiercely loyal to Margo.

Karen enters during the line Margo started while she was
outside. Lloyd chuckles, Birdie cackles.

                (she goes to kiss Lloyd)
         Hello, darling-

                (she goes right on - in a
                 think "Suth'n" accent)
         "Well, now Mis' Channin', ah don't
         think you can rightly say we lost
         the wah, we was mo' stahved out,
         you might say - an' that's what ah
         don' unnerstand about all these
         plays about love-stahved Suth'n
         women - love is one thing we was
         nevah stahved for the South!"

         How was the concert?


         Lemme fix you a drink.

         No thanks, Birdie.

Karen laughs with them.

         Margo's interview with a lady
         reporter from the South-

         The minute it gets printed they're
         gonna fire on Gettysburg all over

         It was Fort Sumter they fired on-

         I never played Fort Sumter.

She takes the wig into the bathroom. Margo starts creaming
the make-up off her face.

         Honey chili had a point. You know,
         I can remember plays about women -
         even from the South - where it
         never even occurred to them whether
         they wanted to marry their fathers
         more than their brothers...

         That was way back...

         Within your time, buster. Lloyd,
         honey, be a playwright with guts.
         Write me one about a nice, normal
         woman who shoots her husband.

Birdie comes out of the bathroom without the wig.

         You need new girdles.

         Buy some.

         The same size?

         Of course!

         Well. I guess a real tight girdle
         help when you're playin' a lunatic.

She picks up Lloud empty glass, asks "more"? He shakes his
head. She pours herself a quick one.

         Margo does not play a lunatic,

         I know. She just keeps hearin' her
         dead father play the banjo.

         It's the tight girdle that does it.

         I find these wisecracks
         increasingly less funny! 'Aged in
         Wood' happens to be a fine and
         distinguished play-

         - 'at's my loyal little woman.

         The critics thought so, the
         audiences certainly think so -
         packed houses, tickets for months
         in advance - I can't see that
         either of Lloyd's last two plays
         have hurt you any!

         Easy, now...

         Relax, kid. It's only me and my big

         It's just that you get me so mad
         sometimes... of all the women in
         the world with nothing to complain

         Ain't it the truth?

         Yes, it is! You're talented,
         famous, wealthy - people waiting
         around night after night just to
         see you, even in the wind and

         Autograph fiends! They're not
         people - those little beast who run
         in packs like coyotes-

         They're your fans, your audience-

         They're nobody's fans! They're
         juvenile delinquents, mental
         detectives, they're nobody's
         audience, they never see a play or
         a movie, even - they're never
         indoors long enough!

There is a pause. Lloyd applauds lightly.

         Well... there's one indoors now.
         I've brought her back to see you.

         You've what?

                (in a whisper)
         She's just outside the door.

                (to Birdie; also a
         The heave-ho.

Birdie starts. Karen stops her. It's all in whisper, now,
until Eve comes in.

         You can't put her out, I
         promised... Margo, you've got to
         see her, she worships you, it's
         like something out of a book-

         That book is out of print, Karen,
         those days are gone.
         Fans no longer pull the carriage
         through the streets - they tear off
         clothes and steal wrist watches...

         If you'd only see her, you're her
         whole life - you must have spotted
         her by now, she's always there...

         Kind of mousy trench coat and funny
                (Karen nods)
         How could I miss her? Every night
         and matinee - well...

She looks to Birdie.

         Once George Jessel played my
         hometown. For a girl, gettin' in to
         see him was easy. Gettin' out was
         the problem...

They all laugh. Karen goes to the door, opens it. Eve comes
in. Karen closes the door behind her. A moment.

         I thought you'd forgotten about me.

         Not at all.
                (her arm through Eve's)
         Margo, this is Eve Harrington.

Margo changes swiftly into a first-lady-of-the-theater

         How do you do, my dear.

         Oh, brother.

         Hello, Miss Channing.

         My husband...

         Hello, Miss Harrington.

         How do you do, Mr. Richards.

         And this is my good friend and
         companion, Miss Birdie Coonan.

         Oh, brother.

         Miss Coonan...

                (to Birdie)
         Oh brother what?

         When she gets like this... all of a
         sudden she's playin' Hamlet's

                (quiet menace)
         I'm sure you must have things to do
         in the bathroom, Birdie dear.

         If I haven't, I'll find something
         till you're normal.

She goes into the bathroom.


 3 ) 那不是冠军,只是欲望的奴隶














 4 ) 优势和修改














 5 ) 贝蒂·戴维斯的眼睛。






 6 ) 彗星美人








不知道是谁翻译的片名,彗星美人的诠释和原名“ALL ABOUT EVE”相比,显然更加贴近影片的中心思想。EVE憧憬了,成功了,成为了星星一颗,但是这也不过是茫茫星空中绚烂一瞬,这闪耀不过只像彗星一样转瞬即逝。





  • Ocap
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  • 同志亦凡人中文站
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  • 天地心任徜徉@做无知的有识之士
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很理解margo。 bette davis演戲實在好!

  • [MO]鄭思山
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  • 盐lynn
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  • bayer04
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  • 爱吃烤鹅
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  • 方枪枪
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  • 大-燕-威-王
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  • 🫀Psyche
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11.24 三个女人一台戏,两个稳重一个急,投机蒙骗耍嘴皮,拼上一切当奴隶。社会怪异的价值观之所以能够不断传递就是因为这个社会从不缺少野心家。被利用的爱看来多么凄冷。成功只是社会大学的毕业证,是极具破坏力的改造。小心备份你心的初稿,终有一天会发现,这才是你想要的。

  • arlmy
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  • Eve|Classified
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情节很吸引人 那个时候还是很重视剧本的

  • 牵不到的爱
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从剧本、台词到演员的角色诠释,堪称完美。Bette Davis演的女主角虽表面孤傲自负,为人却真诚善良直率,让人喜爱;然而讽刺的是,观众和媒体需要的却是无限的媚俗和浅薄的表层上的更新换代。但纵使深刻不能换取媚俗所带来的时效性的荣耀,也能经得起时间的挑拣和过滤,唯有时间能贯穿整个艺术史。

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梦露首次亮相 惊艳死了

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