老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季





老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.1老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.2老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.3老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.4老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.5老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.6老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.13老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.14老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.15老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.16老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.17老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.18老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.19老爸老妈的浪漫史 第四季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-10-21 16:51


  泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)终于鼓起勇气向女友斯黛拉求婚,斯黛拉欣喜答应,二人自此沉浸在订婚的幸福之中。泰德寻寻觅觅多年的真命天女是否就是斯黛拉?马修(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)一直以来的梦想是做一名环境保护律师,然而梦想与现实的距离越来越远,他为了养家糊口,决定供职于曾经一度看不起的巨人国家银行。他的妻子莉莉(艾丽森·汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)一开始不理解他,后来选择支持他。  另一方面,从来不对女人付出真感情的巴尼(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris 饰),发现自己竟然爱上了好朋友罗宾(寇碧·史莫德斯 Cobie Smulders 饰)。在莉莉的支招下,他向罗宾发起了攻势。罗宾渐渐地发现,自己也对花花公子巴尼产生了微妙的感情。


 1 ) 最精彩的 最喜欢的一季

I think I am in love with Robin.


就凭这句话开始的这一季 是我心目中最喜欢的一季 真的是最好的一季 没有太多关于爱情的部分 朋友间的化学反应 就有百分百的看点 很多集都是经典 Barney陷入爱情的时候真的太可爱了 Lily 开始教他怎么样打电话 从小事开始怎么做 真的开始约会的时候真的太令人喜欢了

Tonight is going to be delightful.

Barney真的认真的时候 真的很甜蜜呀


经典的一集 为了寻找纽约的 最好的汉堡 真的看着都好想吃


NEW JERSEY VS NEW YORK 可怜的Barney 真的只是想要一个high five


Barney 的 招数中真的太扯的 时间旅行者 可以穿梭时间的老人 年轻人 但是真的很好笑 Intervention 正式被介绍 真的是很喜欢的一个小插曲


每一个朋友 都开始讲述他们的恐惧 但是讲真的 Barney 竟然还在监狱里撒网 真的没有做不到的 只有想不到的


Barney got a "dad" scare, and then created a holiday " Not a father's day" . Robin moved in with Ted.


小孩子的袜子真的很可爱啊 不喜欢孩子的Robin Barney 都沦陷了 可怎么办 两个人都对父亲有着一些情节 所以一直以来会觉得两个人真的很合适

E09 "The Naked Man"

真的很难想象这招会好用 怎么可能啊


Love the interaction between Marshall and Robin at Hoser Hut 一直以来朋友之间 两个人的互动都不多 这一集其实还蛮感动的 Marshall 为了Robin 介绍自己家乡的酒吧

Canada VS Minnesota


Ted found out Barney loves Robin, and Robin and Ted hook up because they are housemates.

Barney is so cute when he is in love. 真的很难想象Barney 竟然会单恋 暗恋


其实一直以来都觉得这部剧Lily Marshall 的爱情故事并不太出彩 但是这一集是真的被感动到 Marshall and Lily's love blizzard at New York. The love rituals are so sweet and they had such a long term relationship. The surprise at the end is so touching.


Barney pretended to have a family and acting everything out for his mother.

 2 ) we need a jump









 3 ) What you ate for today?


Ted也会说“I look at you guys, and that's all i want in the whole world”。

这一集里,都因为Cosmo Girl上一句“As we mature, our realtionship mature”,Lily和Marshall决定放弃他们从大学二年级起的一个小仪式——Lily去了西雅图,可Marshall不打算再戴着傻帽子,举着呼唤爱人乳名的小牌子站在肯尼迪机场等她,Lily也不打算再带回没有什么实际意义的6瓶装当地产啤酒。











Marshall在音乐中戴着一如既往傻的帽子,举着“Lily Pad”的小牌子,边走边说:

"A muffin, a pastrani sanwich, and a bag of chips,

 And, i know it's way past lunch time, but i love you.

 More and more each day.

 I love you, Lily.

 Happy New Year."










 4 ) 第四季第一集的I do你信么?

再加上围绕星战的话题,斯黛拉那句“I do”。你相信么?反正我不信,泰德,一直我把他当作我,当作我周围的大多数男生。看看他们想想自己,因此,我不信这个“I do。”

 5 ) Why do I love Barney Stinson? – For HIMYM Fans

By Defay


I have been watching How I Met Your Mother recently. I love it so much that I spent an entire weekend watching it non-stop. The show is really hilarious yet full of wisdom. Despite how insane and exaggerate the stories the narrator tells are, he really tries to teach some lessons here.


An interesting thing that I have to mention about this show is that at first I think Barney Stinson stinks, but gradually I fell in love with this character. Okay, "fall in love" might be too strong a word but it's true that Barney Stinson, the character along with the actor who plays it, is becoming my new favorite. I myself felt very confused sometimes, as Barney is not supposed to be liked by so many people, especially by me. He is a total liar and playboy who does not care about other people's feelings. He is conceited and selfish, greedy and arrogant. And above all, he is frivolous.


Yet I was deeply touched by Barney three times by the end of season 4.


The first time was when Marshall and Lily break their engagement, Barney lures women away from Marshall so that he can remain faithful to the woman he truly loves. It is later revealed by Lily that it was Barney who convinced Lily to come back to New York, even buying her a plane ticket home.


The second time was when Barney was secretly in love with Robin, he acted like a baby. He did everything he could to help Robin, especially that time when Robin accidently quit her job and might be expelled from USA. Barney wants Robin to be around him so much that he helped Robin to make a video tape as a resume to find jobs. Later during video shooting Robin was irritated by his ideas and he finished her e-resume alone by himself. Eventually he succeeded in finding Robin a job and kept her in the group.


The third time was when he heard that Ted was hit by a car and was in hospital. He did not hesitate even for a second and rushed to hospital. When he found he could not get a cab, he ran on foot to hospital. Just as he was a street-across away from the hospital, he was too tired and did not notice a fast-driving bus that he himself was hit by it and badly injured.


See why they still hang out with him? Everyone in the gang owes to Barney.


Put aside his personal life, Barney does have very special and sparkling aspects in his personality that are so rare and precious that it is very hard to find them in a human being.


First of all, he is rational. Recall that he is always keen to experiment on all kinds of tricks to hit on girls to test which ones of them actually work. No matter how many times he fails, he just keeps on trying till he reached a scientific statistical conclusion. That's right. 83%. That number applies to everything.


Secondly of all, he challenges himself all the time. "Challenge accepted" even if for most of the time, nobody challenges him. He just enjoys it, setting goals, thinking up strategies, taking actions, and eventually, achieving goals, which is closely related to another big merit of his, persistence.


Third of all, he is persistent. Recall that once he raised his right hand to high five but nobody responded him. He raised his hand till someone slapped him five. Barney is so driven to succeed, he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, including lie, cheat or bribe his friends. If he's trying to get a hot girl, he might even pretend to be an astronaut or a taxi driver. Barney will talk trash, or even tell the truth if that's what it takes. He always gets what he wants. You have to admire drive and determination like that.


Fourth of all, he is audacious and passionate. We always see him running to do things. He never hesitates. When he wants to do something, he does it, immediately, or over a shockingly long period of time, secretly plotting. Of course, we should exclude the circumstances when he was deeply in love with Robin, which weakened his ability to make resolute decisions. His love for Robin actually completes him as a human being. We can see him as vulnerable, soft and caring as any man in love can be. We can see he has a breakable heart just like everybody else.


Fifth of all, we know that he is confident for sure, but sometimes he is peculiarly calm. Once, a big merger in the company Barney works in fell through and Barney was getting blamed for it. Marshall overheard that Barney might be fired. Everyone is worried except himself. Or at least he acted like he is not worried at all. He launched his project of "Perfect Week", e.g., sleeping with seven women in seven days without a single rejection, to deal with the stress. On the next Monday, Barney keeps his job. And his boss says it must have been a stressful time for him. "I barely slept," Barney winked.


Last but not least, he keeps rules. Despite the crazy and maniac ideas and actions, Barney keeps rules, except those rules are written by no man but himself. Still, he lives to it, devotedly. His Crazy/Hot Scale, Platinum Rule and Lemon Law are just a few of his dating guidelines. He has rules to govern his professional life. (Actually doing things gets you fired.) He updated the definition of cheating. (It's not cheating if you're not married, if the girl has two consecutive vowels in her name or if she lives in a different area code.) But his rules governing bro-to-bro relationships were so important he published them in a book called "The Bro Code."


Just think of having a friend like him around you. You can laugh at him every day because he is mentally strong enough to keep your unintentionally hurtful words from actually hurting him. Yet he brings you all these novel and original stories and ideas and other things that you've never heard of every day, to share with you or to brag about. He urges you to do crazy things you've never done in your entire life. It's so not boring when you are with him. Suit up! Phone five! It's gonna be Legen-wait for it-dary! I'm awesome! There are so many amazing and amusing or even annoying things he talks about. If you don't hear him say for one day, you will even feel something is missing in your life.


I think the most important reason is that, even though Barney is a playboy, he only hits on bimbos. And only bimbos buy into his lies and acts. Girls clever as Robin or Nora would not be easily seduced to his moves. He knows it and he tried even harder to prove to everyone that when Barney Stinson is not a jackass, he could really be a dreamy boyfriend that every woman would want. He is always handsome, wears a suit every day, even in his sleep (he wears a suit-jamas at bedtime) and he is clever and wealthy. Nothing can stop him.


BTW, the actor who plays Barney Stinson is actually gay. Heart-broken, huh? Still, I admire his exquisite acting skills, as well as his magic tricks, acrobatics and singing performances.

 6 ) 马修和汉堡 S4E2

“So after finally tasted again the burger he’d craved for so many years, Marshall got up the next morning, put on some pants, and went to work, and he never looked back.”





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