




成功的滋味 剧照 NO.1成功的滋味 剧照 NO.2成功的滋味 剧照 NO.3成功的滋味 剧照 NO.4成功的滋味 剧照 NO.5成功的滋味 剧照 NO.6成功的滋味 剧照 NO.13成功的滋味 剧照 NO.14成功的滋味 剧照 NO.15成功的滋味 剧照 NO.16成功的滋味 剧照 NO.17成功的滋味 剧照 NO.18成功的滋味 剧照 NO.19成功的滋味 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-15 17:50


  汉塞克(伯特·兰卡斯特 Burt Lancaster 饰)是一位小有名气的报纸专栏作家,老道的资历让他的手中掌握着不少的人脉与资源。苏珊(Susan Harrison 饰)是汉塞克的妹妹,某日,她同一位名叫史蒂夫(Martin Milner 饰)的爵士乐手相爱了,汉塞克十分瞧不上史蒂夫,觉得他高攀了苏珊,于是,狂妄自大的汉塞克决定不惜一切手段,也要将两人拆散。  汉塞克找到了名叫西德尼(托尼·柯蒂斯 Tony Curtis 饰)的曼哈顿新闻代理,利用手段迫使西德尼成为了自己的“帮凶”,在两人的设计之下,苏珊和史蒂夫之间的感情出现了裂缝,两人最终分手。然而,心胸狭窄的汉塞克并不愿意就此放过史蒂夫,反而变本加厉,想要彻底毁掉这个年轻人。


 1 ) Sweet Smell of Success

J.J. Hunsecker, 在纽约最有力的报纸专栏作家,决定阻止他的姊妹与史蒂夫达拉斯,一位爵士乐吉他手结婚。 他因此雇用席德尼,一个职业媒体中间人+狗仔, 及时阻止这件事。我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了我看过了

 2 ) 脸部的光与影

#BFI# #Bigscreenclassics# 黑色电影后期作品,纽约夜景作为开场,运送着报纸的车行驶在街头,报摊丢下一摞报纸作为定场镜头,也是奠定了“媒体”在片中的重要性。故事相对简单,但是光影,摄影和配乐非常精彩。




有几场戏非常喜欢,1. 女主第一次回家时,配乐及其诡异,镜头停留在公寓外,观众就这么驻足在原地看着女主走回家中。2. 男主提及女主被求婚了时,JJ的镜头从一个脸部特写镜头切换成侧身的中全景的牛仔镜头,带有极强的攻击性,也让人物的危险性一下提升了起来。3. 女主最后跟男朋友见面时,双人镜头时女主在镜头的中间,但却一直处于虚焦状态,甚至在镜头向女主前推时,女主都是处于虚焦状态,也是说明二者对于这段感情的看法及状态。

 3 ) 写不下去啊,神内!第一次影评。


金丝雀妹妹与爵士乐吉他手的爱情。这根深针狠狠的扎中了J.J. Hunsecker这个带有恋妹情结的哥哥穴位,J.J. Hunsecker的目的只有一个,永远让史蒂夫达拉斯消失在他心爱的妹妹生活里。一直急急想通过J.J. Hunsecker的专栏来声名鹤起的席德尼。他操持着自己仅有狡诈和世故,迂回在上下流社会之间,不择手段的套现消息并制造一系列的诽谤性新闻,以成功完成和J.J. Hunsecke的交易,实现自己的成功梦。。。



J.J. Hunsecker, 在纽约最有力的报纸专栏作家,冷酷、刻薄、粗暴、自负。他极为不屑的说过,自己一个大脚趾,都能制造出美国总统。这样一个男人,身边充斥的都是妹妹的暖香笑影。工作台的相框里是妹妹的照片,这个特写并没有让我举得这是感情色里的一种温柔。镜头里反复出现的都是作为妹妹僵硬的身子和畏缩的眼神。

对于西德尼这个角色,电影一开始,行人在纽约的夜晚湍急流动,急促的音乐加上COME ON ...COME ON...浑着喷出的鼻气发音,焦灼又恐惧。个人觉得这一段已经变相的把这个席德尼这个二流媒体中间人的角色提前诠释了。席德尼在J.J. Hunsecker那谦卑、隐忍、低声下气。面对成功他焦灼。他步步为营又心怀恐惧。J.J. Hunsecker能给他的待遇就是羞辱。在其他人眼里,只是一条嗅紧利益的流浪小野狗。


吉他手的性格刻画过弱,做妹妹的有说过,她最爱吉他手的就是这个人能用她永远不敢的方式跟哥哥说话。作为一个以J.J. Hunsecker为对手的角色,至少他应该是勇敢的。但让人看到的只是一个连转身都没勇气的男人。没有智慧,只有经受不住稍微挑拨就难挨不住的燥性。


本片导演亚历山大·麦肯德里克,在四、五十年代,为伊林公司拍摄了若干部经典喜剧影片。作品风格较为黑色,同时也更加关注社会讽刺和批判。与传统的轻松、戏虐式英国喜剧有了明显区隔。其中比较有影响力作品有:《荒岛酒池》《白衣人》。而在1955年的《老妇杀手》再次大获成功之后,麦肯德里克远赴好莱坞发展。不久便执导出了本片。虽然,现在的影评家一致认为它是导演本人最杰出的作品。但在当年,他却没有任何机会体会这种“成功的滋味”:影片遭遇到了票房上的惨败。而麦肯德里克也因此在执导了另外三部作品之后令人遗憾的早早结束了自己的导演生涯。1969年直至1993年去世前,他一直就职与加州的某电影机构,从事学术研究工作。好莱坞又毁了一位电影天才。 (这里是摘的)

 4 ) 可惜年代久远,也可惜….










 5 ) 掌控与失控






 6 ) 部分台词试译

这部电影的台词极为出彩,可与黄宗霑的摄影、Curtis和Lancaster的演技以及Elmer Berstein的配乐并列为影片最大的亮点。其中尤以Sidney和J.J.与议员、女演员、经纪人的群戏为最,堪称高端语言暴力的范本。然而英文原文确实比较晦涩,"My right hand hasn't seen my left hand in thirty years"这句话的含义甚至在imdb上都有人发问。或许是这个原因导致网络现存的中文字幕很不理想,几乎完全毁掉了台词的神髓。出于对这部电影的热爱,决定把个人认为比较精彩的段落重新翻译一下,由于英文水平有限不能保证完全准确,故也附上英文原文,如有错误欢迎指正。

注:下文[ ]中为对动作背景的交代,【】中为对典故的解释


Sally: I wish I could help in some way, Sidney.
Sidney Falco: You could help with two minutes of silence.
Sally: I hate to see you like this. If you feel nervous...
Sidney Falco: So what'll you do if I feel nervous? Open your meaty, sympathetic arms?
Sally: Oh, Sidney, you got me so... I don't know what...
Sidney Falco: Sally you oughta know me by now.
Sally: I know ya.
Sidney Falco: No, you don't.You think I'm a hero. Well, I'm no hero. I'm nice to people where it pays me to be nice. I do it enough on the outside, so don't expect me to do it in my office.

Sally: 我希望可以帮到你,Sidney。
Sidney Falco: 你要帮忙就安静两分钟。
Sally: 我讨厌看到你这样。如果你感到紧张的话……
Sidney Falco: 那么你打算怎样呢?张开你肉乎乎的同情的胳膊?
Sally: 哦,Sidney,你让我……我不知道该说什么……
Sidney Falco: Sally,你现在也该了解我了。
Sally: 我了解。
Sidney Falco: 不,你不了解。你以为我是英雄。好吧,我不是英雄。谁付钱我就对谁好,这事我在外面干够了,所以别指望我在自己办公室里继续干。


Sidney Falco: He thinks J.J.'s some kind of a monster...
Susan Hunsecker: Don't you?
Sidney Falco: Susie, J.J. happens to be one of my very best friends!
Susan Hunsecker: I know. But someday I'd like to look into your clever little mind and see what you really think of him.
Sidney Falco: Where do you come off, making a remark like that?
Susan Hunsecker: Who could love a man who makes you jump through burning hoops like a trained poodle?

Sidney Falco: 他把J.J.看做某种怪物……
Susan Hunsecker:你不这么认为吗?
Sidney Falco:Susie,J.J.可是我最好的朋友之一!
Susan Hunsecker:我知道。不过我真想有一天看透你聪明的小脑袋,看看你对他的真实想法。
Sidney Falco: 你这是哪的话,为什么要这么说?
Susan Hunsecker: 谁会爱一个让你像受训的狗一样钻火圈的人?

3、Sidney路遇他正在躲避的客户Jimmy Weldon及其女伴Joan

Sidney Falco: Jimmy, what a coincidence!
Jimmy Weldon: Yeah, a coincidenc running into the very man you've been ducking all week. This is my press agent, Joan.
Sidney Falco: I tried to call you twice, but...
Jimmy Weldon: What do ya do for that 100 one week? Fall outta bed?
Sidney Falco: I was on my way to talk to Hunsecker. I got...
Jimmy Weldon: I'll had this kid arrest for larceny.
Sidney Falco: When the band was at Roseland...
Jimmy Weldon: That was two months ago. Take your hands outta my pocket, thief.
Joan: Jimmy, now take it easy.
Jimmy Weldon: Why? It's a dirty job, but I pay clean money for it.
Sidney Falco: No more, you don't. Whati is it, showin' off for the girl?
Jimmy Weldon: He's clever. He knows when he's bein' fired.

Sidney Falco: Jimmy, 真巧啊!
Jimmy Weldon: 是啊,正巧撞上你躲了一星期的人。[对Joan]这是我的新闻代理人。
Sidney Falco: 我给你打了两次电话,但……
Jimmy Weldon: 每周给你一百块是干啥的?花在床上?
Sidney Falco: 我正要去和Hunsecker谈呢, 我……
Jimmy Weldon: [对Joan]我要让这小子因为盗窃罪被抓起来。
Sidney Falco: 乐队在玫瑰园的时候……
Jimmy Weldon: 那是两个月以前了。 把你的手从我兜里拿出来吧,小偷。
Joan: Jimmy,放轻松点。
Jimmy Weldon: 凭什么?这是个肮脏活,但我付的可是干净钱。
Sidney Falco: 不会再这样了。你这是干嘛,炫耀给这位女士看?
Jimmy Weldon: [对Joan]他还挺聪明,知道自己被炒了。


J.J. Hunsecker: Hello?
Sidney Falco: J.J., It's Sidney. Could you come out for a minute?
J.J. Hunsecker: Could I come out? No.
Sidney Falco: I have to talk to you, J.J. That's why.
J.J. Hunsecker: You have to do something for me. You didn't do it.
Sidney Falco: Could I come in for a minute?
J.J. Hunsecker: No. You're dead, son. Get yourself buried.

J.J. Hunsecker: 喂?
Sidney Falco: J.J.,是我,Sidney。你能出来一会儿吗?
J.J. Hunsecker: 我能出去吗?不。
Sidney Falco: 我必须和你谈谈,J.J.。这就是原因。
J.J. Hunsecker: 你总得为我做点什么,但你没做。
Sidney Falco: 那我能进去吗?
J.J. Hunsecker: 不能。你已经死了,孩子。去把自己埋起来吧。


J.J. Hunsecker: Harvey, I often wish I were deaf and wore a hearing aid. With a simple flick of a switch, I could shut out the greedy murmur of little men.
Sidney Falco: J.J., I need your ear for two minutes.
J.J. Hunsecker: Mac, I don't want this man at my table.
Sidney Falco: I've got a message from your sister.
J.J. Hunsecker: Forgive me, Harvey. We were interrupted.
Sen. Harvey Walker: I don't think we caught your name, young man.
Sidney Falco: Sidney Falco, Sir. But everybody knows and admires you, Senator Walker.
Sen. Harvey Walker: Every six year I become less convinced of that. This young lady is Linda James. She's managed by Manny Davis.
Sidney Falco: I know Manny Davis.
J.J. Hunsecker: Everyone knows Manny Davis. Except Mrs Manny Davis. Go ahead, Billy. Shoot. Sports cars are getting smaller and smaller in California. You were crossing Hollywood Boulevard and you got hit by one. And you had to go to the hospital to get it removed. Billy, you're not following the column. I had it last week.
Sidney Falco: Senator, do you believe in capital punishment?
Sen. Harvey Walker: Why?
Sidney Falco: A man has just been sentenced to death.
J.J. Hunsecker: Manny, tell me, what exactly are the UNSEEN gifts of this lovely young thing that you manage?
Manny Davis: Well, she sings a little... you know, sings...
Linda James: Manny's faith in me is simply awe-inspiring, Mr. Hunsecker. Actually, I'm still studying, but...
J.J. Hunsecker: What subject?
Linda James: Singing, of course... straight concert and...
J.J. Hunsecker: [glance flicks between the Girl and the Senator] Why "of course"? It might, for instance, be politics...
Linda James: Me? I mean "I"? Are you kidding, Mr. Hunsecker? With my Jersey City brains?
J.J. Hunsecker: The brains may be Jersey City, but the clothes are Traina-Norell.
Sen. Harvey Walker: Are you an actor, Mr Falco?
Linda James: That's what I was think. Are you, Mr Falco?
J.J. Hunsecker: How did you guess it, Miss James?
Linda James: He's so pretty, that's How.
J.J. Hunsecker: Mr. Falco, let it be said at once, is a man of 40 faces, not one - none too pretty, and all deceptive. You see that grin? That's the, eh, that's the Charming Street Urchin face. It's part of his helpless act: he throws himself upon your mercy. He's got a half-dozen faces for the ladies. But the one I like, the really cute one, is the quick, dependable chap. Nothing he won't do for you in a pinch - so he says. Mr. Falco, whom I did not invite to sit at this table tonight, is a hungry press agent, and fully up to all the tricks of his very slimy trade.
J.J. Hunsecker: Match me, Sidney.
Sidney Falco: Not right this minute, J.J.
Sen. Harvey Walker: May I ask you a naive question, Mr Falco? Exactly, how does a press agent work?
Sidney Falco: Uh...
J.J. Hunsecker: Answer the man, Sidney. He's trying to take you off the hook.
Sidney Falco: You just saw a good example of it, Senator. A press agent eats a columnist's dirt and is expected to call it manna.
Sen. Harvey Walker: But don't you help columnists by furnishing thenm with items?
Sidney Falco: Sure, the columnists can't do without us, except our good and great friend J.J. forgets to mention that. You see, we furnish him with items.
J.J. Hunsecker: What, some cheap, gruesome gags?
Sidney Falco: You print 'em, don't ya?
J.J. Hunsecker: Yes, with your clients' names attached. That's the only reason the poor slobs pay you - to see their names in my column all over the world. Now, I make it out, you're doing *me* a favor?... The day I can't get along without a press agents' handouts, I'll close up shop and move to Alaska, lock, stock, and barrel.
Manny Davis: Sweep out my igloo, here I come.
J.J. Hunsecker: Look, Manny, you rode in here on the Senator's shirt tails, so shut your mouth!
Sen. Harvey Walker: Now, come, J.J., that's a little too harsh. Anyone seems fair game for you tonight.
J.J. Hunsecker: This man is not for you, Harvey, and you shouldn't be seen with him in public. Because that's another part of a press agent's life - he digs up scandal among prominent men and shovels it thin among columnists who give him space.
Sen. Harvey Walker: There is some allusion here that escapes me...
J.J. Hunsecker: We're friends, Harvey - we go as far back as when you were a fresh kid Congressman, don't we?
Sen. Harvey Walker: Why does everything you say sound like a threat?
J.J. Hunsecker: Maybe it's a mannerism - because I don't threaten friends, Harvey. But why furnish your enemies with ammunition? You're a family man. Someday, with God willing, you may wanna be President. Now here you are, Harvey, out in the open where any hep person knows that this one... is toting THAT one...around for you. Are we kids or what? Next time you come up, you might join me on my TV show.
Sen. Harvey Walker: Thanks J.J, for what I consider sound advice.
J.J. Hunsecker: Go, thou, and sin no more.
J.J. Hunsecker: Don't let the Senator pay that check. President! My big toe would make a better president. Where's your coat, Sidney? Saving tips? My curiosity is killing me, but what are you so rambunctious about tonight?
Sidney Falco: There is your fat friend.
J.J. Hunsecker: Harry, say hello to Sidney Falco. Tickle him. He's been a bad boy tonight. He called you "my fat friend".
J.J. Hunsecker: I love this dirty town. Sidney, conjugate me a verb. For instance, "to promise." You promise to break up that romance. When?
Sidney Falco: I doubt if you know what involves.
J.J. Hunsecker: I'm a schoolboy. Teach me, teach me.
Sidney Falco: You break it up. You know you can do it in two minutes.
J.J. Hunsecker: At this late date you need explanations? Susie's all I've got. Now she's growing up, I want my relationship with her to remain at least at par. I don't intend to do anything to antagonise her if I don't have to. Be warn, son. I'll have to blitz you.
Sidney Falco: Frankly, J.J., I don't think you got cards to blitz me.
J.J. Hunsecker: I don't?
Sidney Falco: Corrct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
J.J. Hunsecker: I'll listen for one more minute.
Sidney Falco: A year ago, I did you a certain favor. It was a thing... I never did such a dirty thing in my life. All right, it's forgotten. Which brings us up to five weeks ago. "Sidney, I got a nasty problem. Do so- and so- and I'll aprreciate it." Did I say no? I'm the first to admit it didn't jell as fast as we'd like. But why, all of a sudden, can't I get you on the phone? And why am I frozen out of the column?
J.J. Hunsecker: You finished?
Sidney Falco: No, let me finish, J.J. I don't like this job. That boy is numb on matinee days only. Otherwise he's got a head. Susan is growing up - two heads. We got a slippery, dangerous problem here.
J.J. Hunsecker: Not "we", Sidney, you!
Sidney Falco: Correct me if I'm wrong, we! If I'm gonna go out on a limb for you, you gotta know what's involved!
J.J. Hunsecker: My right hand hasn't seen my left hand in thirty years.
Sidney Falco: I'll do it, J.J. Don't get me wrong. I'll go through with it. But stop beating me on the head. Let me make a living!
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney, what you promised, do it. Don't finagle around. It's later than you think.
Sidney Falco: Excuse me, J.J. It's later than you think. That boy proposed to her.
J.J. Hunsecker: Susie told you that?
Sidney Falco: Uh - huh.
J.J. Hunsecker: What was her answers?
Sidney Falco: She'll discuss it with you at breakfast.
J.J. Hunsecker: That means you've got a plan. Can you deliver?
Sidney Falco: Tonight. Before you go to bed. Cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river.
J.J. Hunsecker: Don't be a two - time loser, Sidney. The penalty could be severe.

J.J. Hunsecker: [发现Sidney站在自己身后,对议员]Harvey,我常常希望自己已经聋了、戴着助听器,只要按一下开关就可以把这些小人物的贪婪低语都挡在外面。
Sidney Falco: J.J.,只听我说两句就好。
J.J. Hunsecker: [召唤侍者]Mac,我不想看到这人站在我桌旁。
Sidney Falco: 我有你妹妹的消息。
J.J. Hunsecker: [收回让侍者驱赶Sidney的手势,对议员]抱歉,Harvey,我们被打断了。
Harvey Walker议员: [对Sidney]我想我们还不知道你的名字,年轻人。
Sidney Falco: Sidney Falco,先生。但是大家都认识并且仰慕您,Walker议员。
Harvey Walker议员: 每六年我对此的信心就少一点。【指参议员任期六年】这位年轻女士是Linda James,她的经纪人是Manny Davis.
Sidney Falco: 我知道Manny Davis.
J.J. Hunsecker: 人人知道Manny Davis,除了Manny Davis夫人。[接电话]继续,Billy,说啊。加州的跑车是越来越小了,你走在好莱坞林荫大道上就撞上一辆,然后你不得不去医院把它取出来是吧。[Manny笑,J.J.不悦地看了他一眼,继续接电话]Billy,你没有按专栏来,我上周就知道了。[挂电话]
Sidney Falco: [对议员]议员,您相信死刑吗?
Harvey Walker议员: 什么?
Sidney Falco: [指电话]一个人刚刚被判了死刑啊。【指J.J.在电话中对Billy的冷酷态度】
J.J. Hunsecker:[回头看Sidney,然后对Manny]Manny,你给她当经纪人的这个可爱小东西到底有什么未被发现的天赋?
Manny Davis:那个,她会唱点歌……你懂的,唱歌嘛……
Linda James: Manny对我真是无比的信任,Hunsecker先生。事实上,我还在学习,但……
J.J. Hunsecker: 学什么?
Linda James:唱歌,当然了……音乐会以及……
J.J. Hunsecker: 为什么“当然”?也许可以学学比如说政治什么的……
Linda James:我?是说我吗?您在开玩笑吧,Hunsecker先生?用我泽西城的脑子?
J.J. Hunsecker: 脑子可能是泽西城的,但衣服却是Traina-Norell的。【Traina-Norell为服装品牌】
Harvey Walker议员:[转移话题,对Sidney]你是个演员吗,Falco先生?
Linda James: 这正是我想问的,你是吗,Falco先生?
J.J. Hunsecker: 你怎么猜到的呢,James小姐?
Linda James: 他很漂亮,就这样。
J.J. Hunsecker: Falco先生——让我直说吧——是个有40张脸而不是一张脸的人,这些脸一点也不漂亮,全部都很有欺骗性。你们看到那笑容了吗?那是,嗯,迷人的街头顽童的脸。这是他的无助表演的一部分:他乞求你的宽恕。对女士们他有六张脸,但我喜欢的、真正可爱的那张,是个敏捷、可靠的小伙子。如有必要他愿意为你做任何事——他这么说。这位我今晚并没有邀请的Falco先生是个饥渴的新闻代理人,已经准备好为他那卑微的营生使尽所有的花招。
J.J. Hunsecker: Match me, Sidney.【此处疑为双关语,一方面表达“和我较量一下吧(把你的花招全使出来吧)”,另一方面match也有火柴之意,故J.J. 夹起未点燃的香烟,并作令Sidney为其点烟的姿势】
Sidney Falco: 不是现在, J.J.。
Harvey Walker议员: 我可以问你个问题吗,Falco先生?新闻代理人到底是干什么的?
Sidney Falco: [尴尬地望向J.J.,似乎在寻求许可]呃……
J.J. Hunsecker: 说吧,Sidney。人家在帮你解围呢。
Sidney Falco: 您刚刚已经看到了一个好例子,议员。新闻代理人跟在专栏作家身后吃灰,还得管那叫吗哪。【吗哪为《圣经》中天赐的食物,喻指Sidney看J.J.的脸色还要对其感恩戴德】
Harvey Walker议员: 但你们给专栏作家提供新闻不也是帮他们忙吗?
Sidney Falco:当然,专栏作家也离不开我们,只不过我们了不起的好朋友J.J.忘了提到这一点。你们知道,是我们给他提供新闻的。
J.J. Hunsecker:你是说你那些廉价、拙劣的插科打诨?
Sidney Falco: 可你把它们登出来了不是吗?
J.J. Hunsecker:是呀,和你客户的名字一起。这就是那些可怜的傻瓜付钱给你的唯一目的——想看到他们的名字随着我的专栏传遍世界。可现在看起来倒是你在帮我了?……哪天我要是不靠新闻代理人就干不下去,我一定关门大吉然后卷铺盖搬到阿拉斯加。
Manny Davis: 扫扫我的雪屋,我来了。【雪屋为爱斯基摩人的建筑,J.J.前一句提到的阿拉斯加有爱斯基摩人居住,故Manny想借此打趣】
J.J. Hunsecker:听好,Manny,你是牵着议员的衣摆进来的,所以请闭嘴。
Harvey Walker议员:够了J.J.,这有点太刺耳了。看来今晚什么人都是你消遣的对象啊。
J.J. Hunsecker:这个人配不上你,Harvey,你不该和他一起公开出现。因为这正是新闻代理人的另一项工作——挖掘显赫人物的丑闻然后塞给愿意刊登的专栏作家。
Harvey Walker议员: 我是不是漏听了什么弦外之音啊……
J.J. Hunsecker:我们是朋友,Harvey——让我们回到你还是个菜鸟议员的时候吧,好吗?
Harvey Walker议员:为什么你的每句话听起来都像威胁?
J.J. Hunsecker: 也许只是风格问题——因为我从来不威胁朋友,Harvey。但你为何要给敌人提供弹药?你是有家室的人,凭上帝的意志,也许你哪天会想当总统的。可现在你却公然地在这里,让任何消息灵通的都知道这一个[指向Manny Davis]在把那一个[指向Linda James]兜售给你[指向议员]。我们还是小孩子吗?[起身]下次你可以和我一起上电视秀。
Harvey Walker议员: 谢谢你,J.J.。为了你的……我就当是建议吧。
J.J. Hunsecker: 走吧,别再干傻事了。
J.J. Hunsecker: [对侍者]别让议员付账。[对Sidney]总统!我的大脚趾都能当个更好的总统。你的大衣呢,Sidney?省小费?我的好奇心能杀死我,不过我还是想知道你今晚怎么这么多话?
Sidney Falco: [指远处的警察Harry Kello]那是你的胖哥们。
J.J. Hunsecker:[对Harry]Harry,跟Sidney Falco问个好。逗逗他,他今晚是个坏孩子。他管你叫“我的胖哥们”呢。
J.J. Hunsecker: [目睹醉鬼闹事]我爱这座肮脏的城市。Sidney,给我讲个动词的变形吧,比如说,“承诺”。你承诺破坏这桩风流韵事。那么什么时候呢?
Sidney Falco: 我怀疑你根本不知道这是在做什么。
J.J. Hunsecker: 好吧,我是小学生。教教我,教教我。
Sidney Falco: 你自己去破坏它。你知道你两分钟就能搞定。
J.J. Hunsecker: 都已经现在了你还要我解释?Susie是我的一切。她正在长大,而我希望我和她的关系至少能保持原样。如非必要我不想做任何和她作对的事。当心,孩子,我可能不得不给你点警告了。
Sidney Falco: 老实说,J.J.,我不认为你有任何能威胁我的筹码。
J.J. Hunsecker: 是吗?
Sidney Falco: 如果我错了就纠正我,但我认为就是这样。
J.J. Hunsecker: 我就再多听你一分钟。
Sidney Falco: 一年前我帮你办过某件事。那是一件……我这辈子都没做过的肮脏事。[看到J.J.转身欲走]好吧好吧,我已经忘了它了。现在让我们谈谈五个星期以前。“Sidney,我有个讨厌的麻烦。这么干——那么干——我会很感激的。” 我说过一个“不”字吗?我只是首先承认事情不像我们想象的进展那么快。但你为什么突然就不接我电话了?为什么在专栏上把我封杀了?
J.J. Hunsecker: 你说完了?
Sidney Falco: 没有,让我说完吧,J.J.。我不喜欢这个差事。那小子只是在演出日木讷了点,其他时候他还是有脑子的。Susan正在长大——那就是两个脑子。我们面临着一个很危险的问题。
J.J. Hunsecker: 不是“我们”,Sidney,是你!
Sidney Falco: 如果我错了尽管纠正我吧,但我还是要说:“我们”!如果我为了你铤而走险,你必须得知道是为了什么!
J.J. Hunsecker: 我的左手和右手都三十年没见过面了。【意即总有人替他干脏活,这些人互不相识,在幕后指使的他本人是绝不会落下把柄的】
Sidney Falco: 我会干的,J.J.。别误会。我会把事情办完的。但请别再给我迎头痛击了,你得让我谋生啊!
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney,你承诺了什么就去做。别再骗我,事情比你想象的晚了。
Sidney Falco: 不好意思,J.J.,是比你想象的晚。那小子向她求婚了。
J.J. Hunsecker: Susie这么说的?
Sidney Falco: 是啊。
J.J. Hunsecker: 她怎么答复的?
Sidney Falco: 她会在早餐时和你谈这事。
J.J. Hunsecker: 那就是说你已经有对策了。能透露下吗?
Sidney Falco: 今晚。在你上床之前。猫已经在袋子里、袋子已经在河里了。【比喻万事俱备】
J.J. Hunsecker: 别当两次失败者,Sidney。代价会很沉重的。

6、Sidney请求Otis Elwell刊登诽谤Steve的新闻

Otis Elwell: I can't think of a good reason why I should print anything you give me. I can't even think of a *bad* reason.
Sidney Falco:Suppose I introduce you to a... a lovely reason... who's both good *and* bad... and available?
Otis Elwell:I'm not an unreasonable man.

Otis Elwell:我想不出一个好的理由来刊登你给我的东西。我甚至想不出一个坏理由。
Sidney Falco: [看着杂志封面女郎]也许我可以给你介绍一个……一个可爱的理由……既好又坏,并且可用?
Otis Elwell:我也不是个不讲理的人。


Sidney Falco: Don't you know who that man is?
Rita: Yeah!Otis Elwell, the columnist.
Sidney Falco: Yeah.
Rita: And he's a perfect stranger to me.
Sidney Falco: So take the five minutes. Get aquainted. He's an importent man. He's lonely. Don't be dumb.
Rita: What do you want all of a sudden? Lady Godiva? Where's my other shoe?
Sidney Falco: What kind of an act like this?
Rita: Don't you think I have any feelings? What I am? A bowl of fruit? A tangeine that peels in a minute?
Sidney Falco: I beg your pardon. How do you like this! I turn myself inside out to do you a favor, now I'm the heavy! Here's your shoe. There's your coat. And there's the door.
Rita: Sidney, I don't do this sorta thing.
Sidney Falco: What sorta thing?
Rita: This sorta thing!
Sidney Falco: You need him for a favor, don't you? Well, so do I. I need his column tonight. Did'nt you ask me to do something about your job? Don't you have a kid in military school?
Rita: You're a snake, Falco. You're a louse. A real louse.
Sidney Falco: Honey, he's gonna help you!

Sidney Falco:你不知道那人是谁吗?
Rita: 知道!Otis Elwell,专栏作家。
Sidney Falco: 就是啊。
Rita: 他对我来说完全是个陌生人!
Sidney Falco: 所以利用这五分钟,赶紧熟悉啊。他是个大人物,他一个人来的。别在这傻站着。
Rita: 那你现在想要什么?戈黛娃夫人?【戈黛娃夫人为中世纪贵妇,传说中为请求丈夫免除领民的赋税而裸体于市镇中骑行。喻指Sidney要Rita出卖肉体】我的另一只鞋呢?
Sidney Falco: 你这算什么?
Rita: 你认为我就没有一点点感觉吗?你把我当什么?一碗水果?一分钟就剥好皮的橙子?
Sidney Falco: [鞠躬]请您原谅!你怎么能这样!我全心全意帮你的忙,现在我倒成了恶人!这是你的鞋。这是你的大衣。这是门。
Rita: [在门前停下,犹豫]Sidney,我不干这种事的。
Sidney Falco: 哪种事啊?
Rita: 这种事!
Sidney Falco: 你需要他帮忙,不是吗? 好吧,我也是。我今晚需要他的专栏。你不是让我想点法子保住你的工作吗?你不是在军校有个孩子要养活吗?
Rita: [被Sidney说服,从门前离开,放下衣物]你真是条蛇,Falco。你这个卑鄙小人。真正的卑鄙小人。
Sidney Falco: 宝贝,他是来帮你的!


Sidney Falco: Don't do anything I wouldn't do! That gives you a lot of leeway...

Sidney Falco:[对Otis]别做我不会做的事!这已经给你留了很大余地了……


Sidney Falco: Hello, J.J.? Sidney. J.J.?
J.J. Hunsecker: Yes, Sidney. You sound happy, Sidney. Why should you be happy when I'm not? How do you spell Picasso, the painter? One S or two?
Sidney Falco: Two.
J.J. Hunsecker: It's an item - I hear he dates three-eyed girls.
Sidney Falco: It'd be nice if you mention R-o-b-a-r-d. Robard's jazz joint. It's his 20th annivesary. Don't begrudge it to me, J.J. I owe him a lot of favors. I think you understand that the Dallas skull is badly dented. Oh yeah, very bad. Starting today you can play marbles with his eyeballs. Now don't begrudge it to me, J.J. Mention Robard...
J.J. Hunsecker: We shall see what we shall see, Sidney. And Sidney, don't use this phone anymore. I have a nervous sister.

Sidney Falco: 喂,J.J.?Sidney。J.J.?
J.J. Hunsecker: 是我,Sidney。你听起来很高兴啊,Sidney。我不高兴的时候你怎么能这么高兴?“毕加索”怎么拼,那个画家?一个S还是两个S?
Sidney Falco: 两个。
J.J. Hunsecker:[一边听电话一边打字]这是条新闻——我听说他和三只眼的女孩约会。
Sidney Falco:如果你能提一下R-o-b-a-r-d就更好了。Robard爵士乐餐厅,这是他的20周年纪念。别这么不情愿,J.J.。我欠他很多。我想你明白那个Dallas完蛋了。是的,有他好看的。明天开始你就能拿他的眼珠子玩弹球了。现在别对我这么小气了,J.J.。在你的专栏里提一下Robard……
J.J. Hunsecker:到底怎么样我们会看到的,Sidney。还有,别再用这个电话了。我妹妹有点神经质。


J.J. Hunsecker: I got that boy coming here today. If I can trust my eys, and I think I can, Susie knows all about your dirty work.
Sidney Falco: Can't hurt.
J.J. Hunsecker: Can't hurt? I had to get that boy his job back.
Sidney Falco: Look J.J., we can tie this off into one neat bundle, address it to the dumps, to oblivion. We're doing great, but please do it my way. I've cased this boy. I know his ins and outs. He's full of juice and vinegar, waiting for a big shot like you to put on the squeeze. You got the boy's job back, but he's not gonna accept your favor. The manager, yeah, but not that boy.
J.J. Hunsecker: What's this boy got that Susie likes?
Sidney Falco: Integrity - acute, like indigestion.
J.J. Hunsecker: What does that mean - integrity?
Sidney Falco: A pocket fulla firecrackers - looking for a match! It's a new wrinkle, to tell the truth... I never thought I'd make a killing on some guy's "integrity."
J.J. Hunsecker: I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.

J.J. Hunsecker: 我让那小子今天过来。如果我能相信我的眼睛——而我觉得我能——Susie完全清楚你干的好事。
Sidney Falco: 那无关紧要。
J.J. Hunsecker: 无关紧要?我不得不帮那小子找回他的工作。
Sidney Falco: 听着,J.J.,我们先把这些都打包送进垃圾堆,忘了吧。我们现在进展很顺利,但得照我说的做。我已经抓住那小子了,我知道他的全部弱点。他已经装满了果汁和醋,就等着你去榨他一下。你尽管去帮他把工作找回来,他绝对不会领你情的。他经纪人也许会,但他绝对不会。
J.J. Hunsecker: 那小子到底有什么让Susie喜欢的?
Sidney Falco: 正直,很正直,到了生硬的程度。
J.J. Hunsecker: 你说的正直是什么意思?
Sidney Falco: 他脾气爆得就像一口袋炮仗——只差一根火柴了![笑]说实话这是个新伎俩……我以前从没想过可以利用一个人的“正直”杀死他。
J.J. Hunsecker:我真讨厌不得不在你身上咬上一口的时候,你是一块涂满了砒霜的饼干。【意即既赞赏Sidney的诡计,亦感到他的可怕】


Steve Dallas: Mr. Hunsecker, you've got more twists than a barrel of pretzels!

Steve Dallas:Hunsecker先生,你的花花肠子比一整桶椒盐卷饼还多!【椒盐卷饼pretzel,一种形状扭曲的点心,也可用来形容纠结缠绕之物】


J.J. Hunsecker: Son, I don't relish shooting a mosquito with an elephant gun, suppose you just shuffle along and call it a day?

J.J. Hunsecker: [对Steve]孩子,我可不喜欢用打大象的枪打蚊子,所以你干嘛不闪到一边去打发你的时间?【意即不屑于和Steve计较】


Sidney Falco: We're on the verge of a farce. A real farce. As I see it, if Susie had stood behind him today, he might have proved a threat. But since primarily he's wedded to his work, he's not gonna be able to take it.
J.J. Hunsecker: Stop tinkering. That horseradish is fine.
Sidney Falco: It's all over, because any hour now that boy will give her up. Now, is it a farce, or is it?
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney, this syrup you're giving out with... you pour over waffles, not J.J. Hunsecker. What do you mean, this lousy kid'll give up my sister?
Sidney Falco: How does it matter whose sister? The main thing is they're through.
J.J. Hunsecker: Am I supposed to forget how that kid talk to me today?
Sidney Falco: J.J, is he worthy of a seconde glance from a man like you? I mean that...
J.J. Hunsecker: Bite on this.
Sidney Falco: Steamship ticket.
J.J. Hunsecker: The next sailing. Susie's run down.
Sidney Falco: That's good. Now that louse is outta Susie's hair for good.
J.J. Hunsecker: I want that boy taken apart.
Sidney Falco: J.J, why do something that's gonna drive them right back into each other's arms?
J.J. Hunsecker: I know how to handle Susie. You just... You just handle the boy. Perfectly tonight.
Sidney Falco: What's tomorrow? A holiday? I think I'm going home. Maybe I left my sense of humor in my other suit.
J.J. Hunsecker: You've got a god - given brain, Sidney. Use it. You think this is a personal thing with me? Are you telling me I think of this in terms of personal pique? Today that boy wiped his feet on the choice, on the predilections at 60 million people in the greatest country in the world. If you had any morals, you'd understand the immorality of that boy's stand today. It wasn't me he criticised. It was my readers. Don't remove the gangplank, Sidney. You may wanna get back on board.
Sidney Falco: J.J, it's one thing to wear your dog collar. When it turns into a noose, I'd have my freedom.
J.J. Hunsecker: The man in jail is always for freedom.
Sidney Falco: Except, if you'll excuse me, I'm not in jail.
J.J. Hunsecker: You're in jail. You're a prisoner of your own fears, your own greed and ambition.
Sidney Falco: You're blind, Mr Magoo. This is the crossroads for me. I won't get Kello. Not for a lifetime pass to the Polo Grounds. Not if you served me Cleopatra on a plate.
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney, I told you...
Sidney Falco: I swear on my mother's life, I wouldn't do that. Not if you gave me a column would I do a thing...
J.J. Hunsecker: Who do you think writes the column while Susie and I are away for three month? The men in the moon? Thank you, Sidney. And, Sidney, I'll have that piece of paper back.

Sidney Falco: 我们差点就搞成了一场闹剧。一场真正的闹剧。照我看如果Susie坚决支持他,那或许他还真是个威胁。但既然他首先是娶了他的工作,他就无福消受了。
J.J. Hunsecker: 别再喋喋不休了。这山葵不错。
Sidney Falco: 全都结束了,那小子随时打算放弃她。真是场闹剧,是不是?
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney,你该把糖浆倒在华夫饼上,而不是倒在我身上。【意即别再讲些漂亮话,还不是庆祝的时候】你真以为那个小无赖会放弃我妹妹?
Sidney Falco: 是谁的妹妹有什么关系?重要的是他们结束了。
J.J. Hunsecker:我该忘了那小子怎么和我说话的吗?
Sidney Falco:J.J.,他值得你这样的人多看一眼吗?我是说……
J.J. Hunsecker: 看看这个。
Sidney Falco: 船票。
J.J. Hunsecker: 下一班。Susie很受打击。
Sidney Falco: 那挺好啊。这样那个混蛋就远离Susie了。
J.J. Hunsecker: 我想让那小子被大卸八块。
Sidney Falco:J.J.,为什么要做可能让他们重归于好的事?
J.J. Hunsecker:我知道怎么对付Susie。你只需要……只需要对付那小子。今晚动手就挺合适。[递给Sidney让他联系警察Kello的纸条]
Sidney Falco: 明天怎么样?一个假日?我该回家了。也许我把幽默感忘在了另一件衣服里。
J.J. Hunsecker:上帝给了你脑子,Sidney。用用它吧。你觉得这是我个人的事?你以为我只是因为自尊受损?这小子今天践踏的,是这个最伟大的国家6千万人民的选择和喜好。如果你有道德,自然会看到他立场的不义。他批评的不是我而是我的读者。[Sidney作势要离开]别早早把跳板拿掉,Sidney。你没准还得回到船上呢。
Sidney Falco: J.J.,戴着你的项圈是一回事,当它变成绞索时,我还是宁可要回我的自由。
J.J. Hunsecker:监狱里的人总是想要自由。
Sidney Falco:除了——原谅我的纠正——我并没在监狱里。
J.J. Hunsecker:你在监狱里。你是你自己的恐惧、贪婪和野心的囚犯。
Sidney Falco:醒醒吧,Mr Magoo。【一个美国动画形象,富有但常因短视陷入麻烦】这是我的底线。我不会去找Kello,不会为了Polo Grounds的终身票干这事。【Polo Grounds为纽约曼哈顿上城三座体育场的合称,棒球纽约扬基队、橄榄球纽约巨人队等的主场】你把埃及艳后端在盘子上送给我,我也不干。
J.J. Hunsecker: Sidney,我告诉过你……
Sidney Falco:我以我妈的名义发誓,我不干。不是说你给我一个专栏就可以让我做……
J.J. Hunsecker: 你以为我和Susie离开的三个月里谁来写专栏?月球人?谢了,Sidney。还有,我要把纸条拿回来。


Sidney Falco: Start thinking with your head instead of your hips. Uh - by the way, I got nothing against women thinking with their hips. That's their nature. Just like it's a *man's* nature to go out and hustle and get the things he wants.

Sidney Falco: [对Susie] 开始用脑子思考吧,别再用屁股了。啊,当然我并不是反对女人用屁股思考。那是她们的天性。正如男人的天性是去拼搏、夺取他想要的东西。



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8.9;at least I'm a good-4-nuthin', not even 4 the sin

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Tony Curtis帅的很奇怪...查了一下居然结过五次婚。。。

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噢太棒了满分溢出!两位主角简直毫无道德下限,令人哆嗦却又看得很爽... 黑了一整夜,终于在最后看到晨曦的一缕光,纽约这个肮脏的城市,很多人却因为肮脏才存活。兰卡斯特和柯蒂斯的台词太棒,就像相声演员,一唱一和,一打一挨,妙语连珠(字幕待修复,希望能重现台词的精妙)

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James Wong Howe的摄影没得说,不过更喜欢Mackendrick的《贼博士》

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[4.0/5.0] "Gentlemen, I'm toasting my favourite new perfume. Success."

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在位者呼风唤雨,决定生死,攀龙附凤者不择手段,亲戚,朋友,同事,自己都是自己献祭的,没有什么不可以出卖。Falco和Hunsecker一样没有底线,所以俩人才这么臭味相投,如影随形。看得清楚的人很多,尤其是那两个陷入爱情热恋中的男女,You are too shrewed, and I will just be honest, you are a national disgrace. 结局理想化了,现实可能是另外一种悲剧结局,没有底线的人生生不息,繁花似锦。

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