





朱迪 剧照 NO.1朱迪 剧照 NO.2朱迪 剧照 NO.3朱迪 剧照 NO.4朱迪 剧照 NO.5朱迪 剧照 NO.6朱迪 剧照 NO.13朱迪 剧照 NO.14朱迪 剧照 NO.15朱迪 剧照 NO.16朱迪 剧照 NO.17朱迪 剧照 NO.18朱迪 剧照 NO.19朱迪 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-05-15 00:48


  故事开始于20世纪30年代的好莱坞,14岁的朱迪(蕾妮·齐薇格 Renée Zellweger 饰)因为其甜美的嗓音而被经纪人梅耶(理查德·科德里 Richard Cordery 饰)看中,就此走上了星途,但此时的朱迪并不知道的是,等待着她的,除了功成名就所带来的的名声和财富之外,更多的是痛苦。 时间来到几十年后,已经40岁的朱迪同丈夫西德尼(卢夫斯·塞维尔 Rufus Sewell 饰)离了婚,独自抚养两个孩子罗娜(贝拉·拉姆齐 Bella Ramsey 饰)和乔伊(勒温·劳埃德 Lewin Lloyd 饰),经济状况十分的糟糕。无奈之下,朱迪做了一个决定,那就是将两个孩子留给前夫,自己前往英国继续打拼事业,可是此时的朱迪的健康情况已经非常的糟糕了,更糟的是,她早已经失去了粉丝们的信任。


 1 ) 当梦想成为谋生手段





 2 ) JUDY is CATS but apparently Academy loves another story about a fallen woman

There is a point in the movie where Judy asks her fifth and last husband ‘What is that you do, anyway, Mickey?’, criticizing his incompetence in negotiating an unlikely deal that has promised her to be financially-secured in the long run.

My question to the movie is: What is that you do, anyway, JUDY? Initially, I was intrigued to see the life of the famous singer/actress/LGBT icon, but I grew furious as the story develops. It is not about acting. I like Renee and her performance is alright. The others okay. But the writing is so awful. I compare JUDY to CATS because they both have a good cast, but the execution is an epic fail. However, the awards season decides unanimously it is the movie for the Best Actress category, and I am dismayed by this decision. For me, JUDY doesn’t deserve a winner because a good acting cannot make up for the fact that it is a degrading, stereotypical, and lazy portrayal of yet another story of a fallen woman. The celebration of it is, therefore, questionable.

Also, like CATS, JUDY demonstrates that not every story is fit for retelling, especially when you can’t figure out a relevant perspective to introduce this story to the contemporary audience. Let’s find out how the writers decide this story should be told.

In the film, the biggest concern for Judy is she cannot be the custodian for her two young kids. She has to make money, not because she loves performing (or she won’t rejoice after learning Mickey’s plan will free her from her job), but because she needs money to be a good mother. Novel isn’t it? Obviously we cannot get enough stories of women desperate to be a good mother while they, in fact, are ill-equipped.

To achieve this goal, Judy works as a resident singer in London, which is good. But notice how she is unprofessional on many levels: she doesn’t rehearse, she puts her business partners in an awkward situation (not that they are nice people), and she is often late. When she should be aiming at making money so that she may fulfill her motherhood (which, as the film suggests, is the only role that gives her peace and happiness), she does the job poorly. But she still needs money and – oh – here comes the rescuer! A man! To rescue the world-renowned Judy Garland, all you need is a young white man from nowhere. How inspiring is that?! How lovely to see Judy desperate for love and gets it?! (Mind, it’s not love for stage.) How refreshing to see a woman falling for man and blinded by love because 1) she’s desperate for money and he promises to get her money 2) she is appreciated by him (Mind, she doesn’t feel appreciated by the audience).

Like everything in the film, the lovers’ break-up is predicable. But who is it to blame for the failure of the union? ‘You!’ shouted Mickey, throwing a glass away. For a second, I am actually convinced by him. The unprofessionalism by Judy certainly provides excuses for Mickey’s failure to seal the deal.

There is a lot of screen time given to Judy’s unprofessionalism; the question then becomes: is professionalism worthy celebrating? Not necessarily so. The film, with its flashbacks of her early career as a child actress in Hollywood, does show the toxic working environment that leaves a long-standing bad impact on her (anorexia, insomnia etc). But the comment on the dark side of professionalism ends there. Instead of serving as an opportunity to reflect on the exploitative nature of show business, the early trauma functions more as a lead to what the film tries hard to demonstrate: that is, Judy does not love stage; in fact, she hates it. In return, the audience does not love her that much. Yes there are two gay men who are devout followers, but there are also boos and things thrown onto the stage from more than two men. This makes the last sentence the director decides to put on the screen saying Judy is ‘loved by others’ all the more weaker and unpersuasive.

The last subtitles remind people Judy passed away six months after her London shows, amplifying and encapsulating the sad mood of the film. In fact, the film is obsessed with showing how miserable Judy is. As a result, it misses tons of opportunities to look into the why. It stops before delving into the details of how Hollywood abuses young actors (what it shows is really no news); it shows how inconsiderate the media (TV show host) is but it does not push further into the area where things are studied more closely. The host asks Judy questions about her not being with her kids and Judy is vulnerable and tormented, with her PR/assistant staring and doing nothing – it feels like this film was doing nothing: it shows the misery and abuses, but it does not feel the obligation to investigate and to engage. It is as if the film-makers were saying: don’t mind the bullies, let’s only look at the victim. The result is erring, an almost voyeuristic view into others’ vulnerability. It feels more insensitive if the later scenes between Judy and her assistant and the pianist guy are to be considered. The assistant is a flat character and there is no connection between Judy and her. Not even a cake can save the situation. The pianist has every reason to reject a lunch with Judy, yet he chooses to be there graciously. Both the assistant and the pianist are condescending. They are like, I am doing my job; you are not cooperating but we still put you in beautiful dresses and take you to fancy dining hall NOW SAY THANK YOU. The film’s take on show business, therefore, is completely perplexing. Although it has opportunities to raise awareness of how Hollywood destroys a talented girl, it is reluctant to do so. Instead, we see the ‘humane’ side of the staffs, regardless of how empty and incoherent their humanity is. Casting a beloved Michael Gambon as a high-end figure of the theatre certainly does not help.

Judy Garland is regarded as an LGBT icon. Some claim that gay men feel an affinity with her because they see themselves in her struggles. There are also people who claim, as time passes, Judy’s icon status slips. Resilience to fight back, rather than being miserable, becomes the quality that gay people identify with more. My problem with the film’s take on the episode between Judy and her gay fans is that it attaches too much importance to how it is misery that ties them together. With the gay community’s changing perception of how they want to be seen, the film’s highlighting ‘the common ground’ feels anachronistic – it feels like we were given something that is no longer needed in today’s conversation. A historical autobiographical film is historical and autobiographical, but it doesn’t mean that creating ‘the past’ is all that needs to be done. Precision in portraying the past is a myth. Every shot is a commentary. What I read from the film is a message that doesn’t fly anymore: that gay community connects with certain celebrities only because they are all treated unfairly by the society. Needless to say, the unfairness exists, but if you want to revoke Judy’s gay icon status, why not find something enabling, empowering and forward-looking, or you can be more reflective: don’t just present the miseries, take an active instead of passive stand: stare at the bullies and ask why.

But isn’t there anything brave about Judy? That brave qualities that people, gay or straight, find inspiring and endearing? It is scandalous that this film doesn’t present any of these; all it does is to show the fifty shades of miseries of Judy (and gay fans). Is that all they have? If that’s all you can think of saying about them, why do we need a film like this?

Not we don’t love a story that assures us celebrities live a shitty life too, but this one is different. This film is about: a woman, abused by an industry that disrespects and abuses women from a young age, fails at something she is good at, only to be told by the society that she fails because it’s her fault – that she sucks at her job, that she is unprofessional, that she has bad taste in men, that she is not a good mother – oh yeah look how serene and stable life her ex-husband has provided the kids with and how can you not believe this?! When this film is about how a woman fall and it’s her fault; when it revokes the classic narrative where a woman’s destiny is chasing someone to love her (husbands or audience), instead of learning to love herself; when such a portrayal is actually celebrated – the whole thing feels like a mimic of the shitty deeds done to Judy, and it’s bad news.

 3 ) #Somewhere over the rainbow

这是一个关于Judy Garland的传记类电影。Judy,作为LGBTQ的 icon拥有短暂坎坷戏剧化却极其多彩的一生。本片聚焦的是她在人生暮年,最后一次登台演出,一场为期五周,远在异国他乡——英国伦敦的演唱会。她是一个过气的演员,在美国寻遍机会却仍然无法得到大众像当年一样的赏识与认可;她是一个妈妈,为了一双儿女,在各种酒吧摸爬滚打登台献唱,赚尽了最后一分钱却还是无法将孩子留在自己身旁好好照顾;她是一个演员,在孩子们面前装作若无其事,实际内心如千刀万剐;她是一个歌手,在英国剧院舞台上一首接着一首,让观众沉迷,让所有人醉心;她是一个酒鬼,每天表演都会迟到甚至醉到与观众起冲突而罢演;她是一个失眠者,整夜整夜地睡不着只好靠酒精来麻痹自己痛苦又脆弱的神经;她是LGBTQ🏳️‍🌈团体的icon,以一首Somewhere over the rainbow 抚平了多少同志心灵深处的创伤......历史赋予了她多种多样的角色,好的坏的一起咽进肚子里;生活为她涂抹上了很多色彩,不管哪些是她喜欢的,哪些是她不愿意的。殊不知,在她心中,她一直渴望的,或者说她一直就是,《绿野仙踪》里那个无忧无虑天真活泼的桃乐丝。 1939年,Judy迎来了事业巅峰——绿野仙踪里的Dorothy,从此开启了她在好莱坞里自带光环的演员生涯。所有人都看到了Dorothy单纯可爱的百灵鸟的形象,却看不到荧幕背后制作人用药物对这只小百灵鸟的摧残,饿了,两片药片,困了,两片药片,没精神了,再来两片......她已经分不清什么时候是白天什么时候是黑夜了,她所知的只有工作和不工作,拍戏和不拍戏,睡不着和...睡不着。仅仅是为了让她在拍《绿野仙踪》时保持身材,就毁了她的整个身体,她的噩梦也从此开始。Judy这一辈子必须要靠药物才能睡着,可以说除了钱包,药片是她必备的“包里揣”。她放下自己最牵挂的一双儿女只身一人来到伦敦街头,只为能赚够钱做一回自己。她像小女孩一样任性,开心就唱,不开心就酗酒罢演,她爱着那个聚光灯下的舞台,爱着那个清清楚楚地让自己遍体鳞伤的职业,最后一场演出,她眼里满含不舍,对于她割舍不下的观众,对于她满怀歉意的乐团,对于她享尽荣华最后却身败名裂的演艺圈。她想做回一个普通人,过一个平凡的渺小的,不太危险,不太刺激,本本分分的家庭主妇的生活,或者是一个出纳员,一个小学老师,一个农夫的妻子,像其他女孩那样去看电影,像其他女人那样看着自己的皮肤因家务活而粗糙。可她是Judy,是演员,是歌手,是全美国的邻家女孩,她就像美人鱼爱丽儿,为了心之所向放弃鱼尾换来了人类的腿,每一步都像走在刀尖上却仍然向大自然贡献自己美妙的歌喉,向生活歌唱。她也是全世界第一个同志icon,她是这首歌的原唱,这首歌也被认为是彩虹旗🏳️‍🌈的灵感来源,但是大多数LGBTQ的人生都跟她一样并没有《Somewhere over the rainbow》那么美好。 《Judy》献给所有勇于与命运抗争的人,就像她最后说的: "It isn't a song about getting anywhere. It's about walking toward somewhere that you've dreamed of. And maybe,maybe the walk,is every day of your life. And the walking has to be enough. It's about hope. And we all need that." 朱迪·嘉兰,全世界第一个同志icon,她是这首歌的原唱,这首歌也被认为是彩虹旗🏳️‍🌈的灵感来源,但是大多数LGBTQ的人生都跟她一样并没有《Somewhere over the rainbow》那么美好。 The Wizard of Oz: A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. 君心澄澈不以君爱多少而判, 但以他人爱君之广深而断。

 4 ) 朱迪

故事开始于20世纪30年代的好莱坞,14岁的朱迪因为其甜美的嗓音而被经纪人梅耶看中,就此走上了星途,但此时的朱迪并不知道的是,等待着她的,除了功成名就所带来的的名声和财富之外,更多的是痛苦。 时间来到几十年后,已经40岁的朱迪同丈夫西德尼离了婚,独自抚养两个孩子罗和乔伊,经济状况十分的糟糕。无奈之下,朱迪做了一个决定,那就是将两个孩子留给前夫,自己前往英国继续打拼事业,可是此时的朱迪的健康情况已经非常的糟糕了,更糟的是,她早已经失去了粉丝们的信任。

 5 ) 我觉得挺好的


Judy 晚年没有公开的录音说,where is my money?她应该是非常富有。但实际上她常常无家可归(她的经理人被告上法庭)。她是老板赚钱的工具。没有童年,没有自己的时间。不能吃汉堡和蛋糕🍰。睡不着她们就给她安眠药,需要清醒给她另一种药。第一次结婚怀孕了,公司说不行,就被她妈妈陪着去打胎。她女儿接受采访时说她12岁就知道她妈妈病的很重。说不像现在,经过研究和宣传,大家对这些药的副作用非常了解。

我觉得这部BBC的电影非常不错。那是JUDY 人生中最后的一段时光。积习难返,她继续依耐药物和想利用她的男人在一起。好像除了唱歌什么都不会。助理穿着薄衣的时候,她穿貂皮觉得冷。在那个冰冷的世界唱着自己的歌,舍不得那个舞台。我觉得RENEE把握的很好。她的走台,表演都非常传神。唱的那部分不好评论。一个传奇的谢幕,还算很棒。

 6 ) 令我潸然泪下的不是朱迪·加兰,而是她

如果不是因为这部《朱迪》,我几乎都快忘记Renée Zellweger到底有多好了。

当然这句话并不是真的,如果让我评选心中最精彩十个的cinematic moments,其中一个肯定是《BJ单身日记》的结尾,Zellweger踩着Ain't No Mountain High Enough副歌的鼓点,穿着内衣在大雪中奔向科林叔的场景。



而在《BJ单身日记》中,她终于有机会大显身手。她塑造的大龄单身女青年Bridget Jones虽然丧但是善良,虽然酗酒但是有责任心,虽然无法控制体重但是却能以一片真心感动达西先生。并且,来自德州的Zellweger奉上了近二十年内美国演员能达到的最完美的英国口音之一。


这部曾经被认为是《红磨坊》跟风制作的电影,却成为近些年来最为经典的音乐剧改编歌舞片。导演Rob Marshall是百老汇出身的导演,《芝加哥》在原音乐剧的基础上,对编舞进行了符合歌舞片特色的影视化改编,尤其是开场的All That Jazz一鸣惊人。在《芝加哥》获得奥斯卡奖的十年后,2013年的奥斯卡舞台上,Catherine Zeta-Jones被邀请重新演绎了一次电影中的开场舞。


《芝加哥》在当年奥斯卡所向披靡,获得了十三项提名,并最终拿到了最佳影片的桂冠。至于Zellweger,很可惜的是,她当年的对手是百年一遇的《时时刻刻》中的Nicole Kidman,因此也与影后的宝座失之交臂。


2003年,《冷山》。她与去年的对手Kidman搭配Jude Law,上演了一出荡气回肠的美国南北战争爱情史诗。当年这个组合有多火,或许可以贴上我看过最棒的《冷山》的短评:


终于,那年的学院没再让Zellweger失望,给了她一尊最佳女配角奖。奥斯卡一直有个说法,叫补偿颁奖。有人说02年Kidman拿的奖是补偿她01年没拿到的《红磨坊》的那尊,11年Colin Firth拿的是他10年《单身男子》没拿成的,12年Meryl Streep拿的是06年《穿普拉达的女魔头》没拿成的。如果这个说法是真的,那《冷山》这一尊应该是学院一次性奖励她连续三年出色表演的奖。










当朱迪最后一次拿起麦克风,唱起Over the Rainbow这个代表作的时候,那一瞬间,她不再是朱迪,而是Zellweger本人,或者说此时的Zellweger和加兰合为一体,回望过去,他们都曾有过如此辉煌的过往,放眼当下,周围又是如此地寂寥。当她唱到中间语塞的时候,台下的观众为她合唱唱完整首曲子,银幕外的我也想告诉她,我们仍然记得那句经典的“Titspevert”,那条丑到极点的老奶奶收腹裤和那本惹事的日记,我们也想为她唱一次Ain't No Mountain High Enough,让她能够再一次跑过下着雪的伦敦街道,朝着更好的未来奔去。


那就让我再对你说一次:“我们从未忘记你,Renée Zellweger。”


“...the top doesn’t matter. It is the journey that matters and the work that matters.”

美国太平洋时间 2020年2月9日晚,杜比剧场,Renée Zellweger在凭借《冷山》拿到最佳女配角奖的十六年后,凭借《朱迪》获得了第92届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。


她的存在曾经带给世界欢笑,她的离开引发了一场石墙风暴——这就是朱迪·加兰,全世界第一个同志icon。复杂的童星成长经历塑造了独一无二的她,也让她在人格缺陷中饱受毁誉滋扰。齐薇格演活了这个不完美却注定属于舞台的巨星,让她在落魄尘埃中也能开出花朵。“心的评判不在于付出多少爱,而在于别人爱你多少。”当全场起立合唱“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”的那一刻,她是真正的被爱着...

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芮妮齐薇格自身的影子和Judy的人生重叠在了一起,这大概是让影片变得很好哭的一个砝码,看预告片时你几乎不相信这个苍老的皮囊就是当年芝加哥里那个性感小尤物。童年的嗑药梦魇以及聚光灯下的不自由和中年颓唐双线交织,可惜当中总觉得欠缺关联和逻辑,更像是对年轻观众的脸谱化科普。 “评价人这辈子是否幸福不是看她有多love这个世界,而是beloved。”

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全程都被戳在泪点上,朱迪·加兰呐,成也米高梅败也米高梅,如果不是明星制和LB,我不信她会变成unpredictable和unstable的万人嫌。这部把朱迪生命最后时光里破碎的美抓得太准了,她对舞台的无比执念,和对自己的无能掌控,像两股互相顶撞的力量,一定有一天会积累到令她崩溃,只是这个过程被电影一再延展,就显得非常残忍。Somewhere Over the Rainbow之于朱迪多像一个诅咒,这首歌让她被万千人记住,可她终此一生,到底也没能找到彩虹之上的奥兹国。看这部的时候一直想到My Week with Marilyn,但愿蕾妮·齐薇格能比当年的小米奖运好一点

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一部我总觉得还可以更动人,但现在这个程度也能让我意难平的电影。用很古典的视听语言表现这位传奇女演员韶华已逝、风光不再、充满麻烦和遗憾的最后时光,Judy Garland人生中所有的激情与平淡,都伴随着一首首经典歌曲永存于我们的记忆。我最初一看到卡司就把本片列为本届影展必看电影:也许没有谁比拿过奥斯卡达到事业巅峰,之后又经历“变脸风波”的Renée Zellweger更适合出演这个角色,她演得很好。

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虽然剧本非常之弱,角色非常之浅,但Renee Zellweger 真实演技爆炸

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从头哭到尾,最后的over the rainbow直接哭到崩溃。演员选的太好了(就是美化了Mickey Rooney)Renée Zellweger‘s performance is truly astonishing!Judy短暂悲惨的一生都在唱开心鼓舞的歌,让人心碎。

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能在大制片厂时代非人的规则和激烈的竞争下存活下来的一定拥有最夺目的星光最扭曲的人格和对舞台最原始的热忱 影片本身格局很小只截取了朱迪加兰传奇一生落幕前最后的段落 却未做到小而精 重果轻因 在其诸多涉猎中也仅选择了较为保险的家庭线 无甚波澜 靠演员的表现一力支撑 同性情侣歌迷的支线和somewhere over the rainbow是为数不多的亮点

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看Judy小时候,反叛地大口啃汉堡 大家都急着记录这个时刻 却没有人问她有没有吃饱 执拗跳下水箱后湿漉漉地出来 经纪人和老板都责备她 却没有人在她冷得发抖时给她披个毛毯;长大后了 在台上失态摔倒 大家都讥笑看她笑话 却没有一个上前扶她一下 晚上睡不着靠吃药喝酒度日 却没有人关心她这些夜晚到底都在想些什么。她的一辈子因为她的歌喉被压榨被消费被错误地爱 却没有人认真问过她 你到底爱不爱这个舞台。电影真的看哭了好几次 特别是最后两首歌 那个魅力四射的她 完完全全出于本能去热爱观众真心想给大家展示自己的她 好美。47岁就过世了的确可惜 但Somewhere Over The Rainbow 她辉煌过灿烂过 让大家铭记了有过欢笑有过泪水 也是值得了。最后 这奥斯卡最佳女主请给芮妮齐薇格吧 求求们了!

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Renée Zellweger 的表現太感人,給電影大大加分。分分鐘把《婚姻故事》的女主拋出幾條街,完全不在一個層面。

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第92届奥斯卡最佳女主角:Renée Zellweger

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最后一首Over the rainbow唱得我哭崩,Judy Garland的最后时光是这么的惨淡,年少成名,一生都在被消费被利用,最终却也无依无靠。

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